Can dogs eat walnuts? Dogs can eat walnuts


Usually, when you have a dog at home, many of these people may like to share their snacks with their dogs, but not all the good things humans can eat, for example, walnuts can not eat this kind of thing or not? This should be a question that many owners have.

A. Dogs can eat walnuts

The dog can eat walnuts, and dogs eating walnuts is also a certain benefit, for example, it is appropriate to eat little walnuts can make the dog's hair become shinier, because walnuts, after all, is a nut that is rich in nutritional value, so the dog appropriate to eat a little on its health and nutritional supplement is also very good, but to the dog to eat walnuts recommended only a small amount of appropriate to feed it Eat, do not give it too much to eat.
Can eat, walnuts are rich in protein, lysine, unsaturated fatty acids, etc., and can maintain the dog's endocrine, and help its hair become more shiny and soft. But they must be given in moderation, it is recommended to give them once a week to eat. If you let your dog eat more walnuts, it may trigger some side effects. For example, gastrointestinal flatulence, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, and other conditions.
Dogs can eat walnut kernels. Because walnut kernels contain a lot of nutrients that can promote the development of the dog's brain growth, such as protein, lysine, and so on. And walnuts can also effectively maintain the dog's endocrine because walnuts also contain a large number of unsaturated fatty acids, which can maintain the dog's endocrine, but also help the dog's hair become shinier, more soft, so dogs can eat walnuts.

Dogs eating walnuts precautions
Dogs eating walnuts must be given them in moderation, generally, once a week to provide them can be, so that dogs do not eat too much and health problems. For example, gastrointestinal flatulence indigestion, even vomiting, and diarrhea. Because the body structure of dogs and our human body structure is completely different, so the nutrients needed and our humans are completely different, so for many dogs, the food that is nutritious for us humans, may not be nutritious dogs. And the size of walnuts is not quite suitable for the dental structure of dogs, as carnivores, dogs are not very good at eating walnuts, it is easy to choke the dog, so it is recommended that breeders must eat walnuts for dogs in moderation, but also shell the walnuts before feeding them to the dog Oh.

Dogs eat what is nutritious for them
Many breeders want their dogs, both healthy and beautiful, so the food supplement is very important because only the nutritional supplement is in place, the dog's body can grow healthily. Therefore, it is recommended that breeders can usually give their dogs more sweet potatoes containing vitamin C and dietary fiber, because sweet potatoes have a particularly good effect on the discharge of waste in the body of the dog, in addition to some broccoli for dogs, because broccoli is rich in vitamins, B1, B2, C also contains rich dietary fiber for dogs is also particularly good food. Lastly, the innards of chicken liver can help strengthen the immune system of dogs with poor health, especially those that are thin and weak.

Can dogs eat walnuts? Dogs can eat walnuts

II. Things to keep in mind when giving walnuts to your dog

Do not confuse it with macadamia nuts
Hawaiian nuts are toxic to dogs. Dogs that consume 2.4g of macadamia nuts per kilogram of body weight will have symptoms within 12 hours: poor spirit, diarrhea, vomiting, rising body temperature, and in severe cases, neurological symptoms such as convulsions, ataxia, and collapse.
Can puppies eat walnuts?
Puppies, sick dogs, and elderly dogs should not eat walnuts
Due to the weak digestion of dogs in these cases, especially puppies before 3 months of age and dogs with gastrointestinal diseases, owners are advised not to feed walnuts to their dogs to avoid indigestion.
Can not eat spoiled moldy walnuts
Moist, or moldy walnuts contain toxins that can cause neurological disorders, which can cause food poisoning in dogs.
Be sure to shell and feed
Walnut shells are hard and sharp and must be removed for dogs to eat, otherwise, they can cause esophageal obstruction or cut their intestines.
Dogs are allowed to eat walnuts, but not in excess. Why can't dogs eat more walnuts? First, the fat content of walnuts is very high, which is not conducive to the healthy growth of dogs. Secondly, dogs do not chew well and are easily swallowed whole causing esophageal stones. Third, moist, or moldy walnuts contain toxins that can easily cause neurological disorders. This is one of the important reasons why walnuts cause poisoning in dogs.

Third, why do dogs eat walnut shells

This sounds new, but it doesn't surprise me at all within the dog world because I've seen so many of their crazy antics clinically, the grass eaters. What is it that causes them to put on such a crazy show?
The most common reasons
The first is heterophagy, that is, the lack of certain trace elements, this is a phenomenon that often occurs in many paranoid dogs, the symptoms are like eating a variety of things that can not be eaten, seeking their own supplement, but just not necessarily find the right, so you see it is constantly trying to find all kinds of things to verify their guesses, even if we yell at it or even play the wild, to no avail. It can be seen how much it needs for the lack of these nutrients, so we must give it a balanced nutritional diet, and proper supplementation of trace elements.

The second is caused by parasites, the dog's habits determine that it is easy to infect parasites, even now their living environment has changed a lot, clean a lot, but still can not avoid the existence of parasites, the dog's stomach with parasites, it may feel hungry after eating a lot of things, so continue to look for something they have not eaten to try because eaten it does not think It may also feel that there is something wriggling inside the stomach, so try to eat in something to destroy them, such as rocks, weeds. Toilet paper. But they do not understand that these things can not kill the parasite at all, but will cause harm to it.

The third is the playful nature of the misfortune, dogs by nature love to play, but they sometimes do not seem to be very interested in the toys given by humans, but rather like a little not to prepare things for it as toys, such as slippers, toilet paper rolls, balls of thread, etc., especially spheres or things that can make a sound, such as you said the field dog, they are more curious about these, walnuts round like a sphere. They fiddle around with it themselves. The unconscious may bite through, did not expect a surprise, the sound is good, so love the action, of course, this possibility is small, but does not mean that there is no oh.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:426 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-22 17:06:52
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