Can dogs eat peaches? What are the benefits of peaches for dogs?


The fruit has always been a very popular food, especially in the summertime, big and sweet peach is the favorite of many people. So many dog owners enjoy the sweet peach when they want to let their pets also taste it. However, they are afraid that their dogs will not appear any disease after eating the peaches, after all, there are simply too many examples of dogs vomiting and diarrhea because of eating the wrong things. Many dog owners do not want to let their beloved pets suffer on the spur of the moment, so they are always very torn. In the face of such a situation, the dog this time to answer for you in detail, can dogs eat peaches, so that you can rest assured and their dogs share food?
The first thing to say is the final answer, dogs can eat peaches. But when feeding your dog peaches, be careful not to let your dog swallow the peach kernels together, the flesh is harmless to them, but the kernels are very dangerous. For one thing, the presence of kernels can cause foreign body obstruction in the dog's intestines, and for another, some peach kernels have been cracked open, and the exposed kernels contain a toxic substance, which is cyanide. When it comes to cyanide, I think we all have a certain understanding of this substance is a deadly poison for humans, let alone for dogs that are inherently weaker than humans. So when you give your dog Vis, you must be careful to remove the core.

I. What are the benefits of peaches for dogs?

Peaches are full of vitamins and minerals that are good for your dog's health.
They contain vitamins A and C, are low in calories and have lots of fiber. As a source of antioxidants, they can help ward off cancer and boost the immune system. They also help improve the function of the liver and kidneys.
As long as peaches are consumed properly and in moderation, they are healthy fruit for dogs and can even be used as a refreshing reward during training.
The benefits of eating peaches for dogs include vitamin supplementation, soft and easily digestible peach flesh, and being rich in water, so a little peach can give your dog a nutritional boost when eaten properly.
The disadvantage of dogs eating peaches is that feeding peaches too much can be indigestible, and dogs may eat foreign objects such as peach kernels when no one is at home, causing gastrointestinal reactions.
Peaches should first be peeled and core, and then cut into small pieces before giving the dog to eat, but also after peeling, held in the hand to the dog for a few bites. Generally, up to half a peach can be eaten, but can not be fed every day Oh.
Dogs can eat peaches. Peaches are rich in vitamins, rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, and other minerals, are very good fruit and can supplement the nutrition of dogs. But peach kernels contain cyanide, so dogs must not be allowed to swallow the kernels, may be stuck in the throat, and may also be poisoned.
The body of the peach is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C can help dogs produce collagen, help dogs antioxidants and slow down the aging process. So peaches are very good for dogs to eat in moderation. It is recommended that dogs be given peaches from time to time if conditions permit.
Dogs are allowed to eat peaches, but the owner needs to remove the peel, the core, and the flesh into small pieces before feeding the dog to avoid the dog being stuck in the peach. At the same time, the owner needs to pay attention to the number of peaches fed to the dog to avoid diarrhea symptoms due to too many peaches. In addition, owners can occasionally feed their dogs moderate amounts of apples, bananas, kiwi, cantaloupe, watermelon, and other fruits.

II. When are peaches dangerous for dogs?

When a dog eats a peach, the main danger is the core.
Kernels are hard, and if dogs try to bite one, they can damage their teeth or jaws. Swallowing a peach kernel can be a choking hazard or cause a dangerous gastrointestinal obstruction. The jagged edges of peach kernels can damage the mouth or internal organs.
In short, dogs should not be allowed access to peach kernels. There is one other lesser concern about peach kernels that is worth mentioning. Peach kernels contain traces of cyanide, which is toxic.
When de-pitted, these fruits are usually good for dogs; wash them well as they may contain pesticides or herbicides to avoid dog illness.
Also, avoid canned peaches and peach-flavored treats, as these are usually full of sugar and chemicals that are harmful to dogs.
Eating too many peaches can cause gastrointestinal distress, vomiting, and diarrhea in dogs, and they contain some sugar.
Feed small amounts first and stop feeding them to your dog if he shows signs of an allergic reaction, including coughing, sneezing, swelling, hives, difficulty breathing, or other symptoms. If there is no adverse reaction, feed it to your dog in moderation.
Dogs are allowed to eat peaches, but owners need to remove the skin and core and divide the flesh into small pieces before feeding the dog to avoid the dog getting stuck in the peach. At the same time, the owner needs to pay attention to the number of peaches fed to the dog to avoid diarrhea symptoms due to too many peaches. In addition, owners can occasionally feed their dogs moderate amounts of fruit such as apples, bananas, kiwi, cantaloupe, and watermelon.

Can dogs eat peaches? What are the benefits of peaches for dogs?

III. Foods not recommended for feeding dogs

It is not recommended to feed your dog green bean ice cream. Excessive use of cold drinks can lead to damage to the mucous membrane of the dog's gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to the occurrence of diseases such as acute gastroenteritis, causing a significant loss of appetite, even vomiting, diarrhea, and in severe cases, even dehydration and acidosis. If the dog has vomited and diarrhea after eating cold drinks, it is recommended to fast for a day, in the case of non-vomiting feed well-digested liquid food and prescription cans, if vomiting and diarrhea seriously lead to significant dehydration of the dog, you need to take to a nearby veterinary hospital for treatment as soon as possible. And mung bean ice cream contains a lot of sugar, excessive intake of sugar can lead to obesity in dogs, and can even cause diabetes in serious cases. The best way to cool down your dog in summer is to drink more water, try to come out for walks and activities after the sun goes down, and blow less on the air conditioner and not directly on the fan so that your dog can healthily spend the summer...

It is not recommended to give your dog cheesecake. Cheesecake is a lump of high sugar, high fat, high protein food, long-term intake of this high-calorie food, will trigger obesity in dogs, and even lead to diabetes, pancreatitis, blood clots, and other diseases, too fat weight will affect the dog's athletic ability and the dog's physical health. And now most of the businesses on the market to increase the taste and flavor of cheesecake, there may be added to it, such as chocolate or some nut-based condiments, these cheesecake dogs once accidentally eaten, is likely to lead to theobromine poisoning or nut allergies, vomiting, convulsions or itchy skin, facial redness and other symptoms, a serious threat to the life of the dog. So for the sake of your dog's health and safety, try not to give them the human-friendly cake snacks...

Dogs are not allowed to eat the skin of kiwis. If the kiwifruit is not washed, dogs may have allergic reactions such as itchy, red skin, swollen face, sneezing, and runny nose when they come into contact with the skin; if they accidentally eat the skin, they may experience numbness of the tongue, edema of the oral mucosa, swelling of the throat leading to breathing difficulties, coughing and even choking. If your dog has an allergic reaction after accidentally eating kiwifruit skin, be sure to take it to a nearby veterinary hospital for prompt treatment. When eating kiwifruit at home, throw the peel into a covered garbage can and be sure to clean it up promptly so that your dog does not go through the garbage can and cause accidental ingestion.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:411 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-17 18:03:05
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