Can dogs eat cantaloupe? How much cantaloupe is appropriate to feed


Can dogs eat cantaloupe

Dogs can eat cantaloupe, but they should not eat much cantaloupe because its high sugar content can cause hair loss in dogs. Although cantaloupe can give your dog a lot of vitamins and water, it may also lead to indigestion, so cantaloupe should not be given to your dog more than 30 grams at a time, as it can cause diarrhea. Pay special attention to the food that can not be fed to dogs are also many, such as onions, onions that have a hemolytic effect that can lead to anemia, and so do green onions. Chocolate: chocolate can lead to heart attacks, coma, and death. Coffee beans, tea, and beverages with tea, cocoa, and caffeine, food is as deadly to dogs as chocolate. Grapes and raisins: Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs, and sometimes just one raisin can kill a dog. Bones: Bones that break, such as chicken bones, can also cause punctures in the dog's throat or cut into the dog's digestive tract. If you are going to feed bones, they should be cooked in a pressure cooker. Bone marrow is an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, and copper, and chewing on large bones helps clean tartar.

Can dogs eat cantaloupe? How much cantaloupe is appropriate to feed

Dogs can also eat these fruits

1. Oranges
Dogs can eat oranges and oranges this kind of fruit, especially constipated dogs consume oranges or oranges can quickly replenish their energy, but also excessive consumption of oranges and oranges will cause harm to the dog's body, so try to give it less to eat, a maximum of three times a week can only feed.

2, watermelon
Summer to dogs to eat watermelon can play a hydrating effect, but the watermelon moisture content is very high, the dog will eat frequent urination, to the owner of health problems, and the dog will not vomit watermelon seeds, eat more may damage it's gastrointestinal, so be careful not to give it too much to eat, eat before the watermelon seeds to clean.

The dog can eat some apples to help it eliminate toxic substances inside the body while replenishing the required nutrients and vitamins, but the sugar content of apples is also very high, do not give the dog too much to eat, each time feed it a small half is enough.

Is it safe for dogs to eat cantaloupe

While this may seem like a simple question, the answer is yes. Cantaloupe is a relatively safe fruit that you can give to your dog. As with any new food, you'll want to give your dog a gradual amount so you can easily determine if your dog is allergic to it or has trouble digesting it.
While there are many benefits to eating more fruit for humans, you must be careful when feeding it to your dog. Moderation is key. It is safe to give your dog a few pieces of cantaloupe, a fruit that also has a high sugar content and may not be suitable for dogs with diabetes. Too much food can also lead to obesity in dogs.

How much cantaloupe is the right amount to feed

Giving a few small pieces as a snack every now and then is healthy for your dog. However, if your dog has a sensitive stomach or is diabetic, it's best to avoid this snack. Too much cantaloupe can cause gastrointestinal distress. If your dog experiences one of the following after eating cantaloupe, you should ask a professional vet.
Lack of energy
Abdominal pain and bloating

How to choose the right cantaloupe?
Cantaloupe melons are able to be bought all year round, but this fruit is freshest and sweetest in the summer. Picking a good cantaloupe will be better for your dog, too. However, keep in mind that the riper the cantaloupe, the more sugar it contains which means you should give your dog less cantaloupe.

How do I give my dog cantaloupe?
As with many fruits, wash the surface thoroughly before cutting. Remove the skin and seeds and cut the melon flesh into 1-2 inch chunks. Do not consider cantaloupe as part of your daily diet, just treat him as a special treat and give him to your dog occasionally.
It is important to note that cantaloupes that can become dog treats are fresh cantaloupes. In the winter, except for some greenhouse cantaloupe, other things like dried cantaloupe and canned cantaloupe are not a good food choice for dogs, after all, there is a lot of seasoning inside. It will put pressure on the dog's digestive system. Ultimately, this can lead to adverse physical reactions in dogs.
It is a good habit to share food with your dog, but before feeding, take a few minutes to use your own search platform to see if the dog is comfortable with the food you are about to feed it. And these foods when the dog will have a bad reaction. Only if the owner spends this time can the dog eat happily and with confidence.

What are the benefits of cantaloupe for dogs

1. Carotenoids and vitamins

Cantaloupe is rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C. Beta-carotene is rich in vitamin A, which is good for your dog's skin and mucous membranes, and vitamin C can effectively relieve your dog's fatigue and strengthen your body's resistance.

2. Rich in potassium

Potassium is a nutrient contained in many fruits, which can lower blood pressure and release salt from the body. Dogs deficient in potassium can have arrhythmias and muscle weakness because potassium can have a protective effect on the dog's heart and nervous system. Some of the foods in your daily routine can meet the potassium content and potassium deficiency in dogs is less likely to occur. However, if it appears as anorexia or diarrhea, consider whether there is a deficiency of potassium and timely supplementation.

3. rich in dietary fiber

Cantaloupe has a kind of dietary fiber called pectin, which is not easily decomposed by digestive enzymes and can have a regulating effect on the stomach and intestines. Pectin can also wrap carbohydrates in the intestines, thus inhibiting absorption, and therefore also preventing blood sugar from rising.

Cautions for dogs eating cantaloupe

1. Some dogs can have allergic reactions

Cantaloupe, pumpkin, cucumber, and watermelon are all members of the cucurbit family. Before giving your dog cantaloupe, think about whether it will be allergic to the cucurbit family, and if so, cantaloupe is not recommended. Allergies can cause vomiting, diarrhea, itchy eyes, or other symptoms that require immediate medical attention. The first time you give your dog cantaloupe, give him a small bite and see how he reacts before deciding whether to continue feeding him.

2. Do not feed your dog in large quantities

Cantaloupe is a high-sugar, high-calorie food and has high water content. If you feed your dog large amounts, your dog will gain weight and it is easy to possibly cause diarrhea, all of which are detrimental to your dog's health. According to the size of the distribution, small dogs can eat about 10 ~ 20g per day, medium-sized dogs for 40g, and large dogs for 60g.

3. Pay attention to the seeds, rind, and vine of cantaloupe

If your dog accidentally eats the seeds, rind, or vine, even though they are not toxic, they can cause indigestion and may get stuck in your dog's throat and choke, making your dog feel foreign or want to vomit.

The right way to feed your dog a melon

1. Cut the fruit into small pieces and set aside or squeeze it into juice

2. Preferably eat room temperature cantaloupe. Frozen melons can irritate your dog's stomach and cause diarrhea and vomiting problems.

3. you can add cantaloupe pulp to handmade food, cut it into dice, can promote the digestion of meat

4. as a reward when your dog loses its appetite

After reading some of these, you can share the delicious cantaloupe with your dog, which is the right way to open the summer. Does your dog love cantaloupe? Does it also drool and look at you?
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:611 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-17 17:08:21
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