Can dogs eat olives? What are the benefits of the olives given to dogs?


Nowadays, the way of raising dogs is going to start becoming more complicated and scientific compared to the past. All the owners are looking for all kinds of food to give to their dogs, trying to get a healthier life by giving them some food. So, are olives, which are healthy in the mouth of a nutritionist, the same for dogs? Can feed olives to dogs make them healthier? Let's talk about this today.
Which is better for dogs: green olives or black olives?
It is straightforward to conclude that there is no big difference between these two types of olives. Because green and black olives are the fruit of the same tree. The difference between them is the difference between early picking and late picking. In terms of nutrients, green olives have a higher fat content, but in other respects, there is basically no big difference, and it is up to the owner to decide which olive to feed his dog.

I. What are the benefits of olives for dogs?
1. Improves body composition
Inside the olives, there are rich antioxidants. These antioxidants are good at fighting aging problems, as well as hindering the deterioration and spread of certain diseases. And these antioxidants are also one of the very effective substances in the face of cancer.

2. Weight adjustment
Obesity in dogs is a very serious issue, and a dog that is overly obese can develop heart disease and diabetes, among other diseases. The olives, as a low-calorie food, do not bring too many calories to the dog. Moreover, the olives also contain some substances that will consume the dog's calories, which can effectively adjust the dog's weight.

3. Fat content
In the olives, there its high-fat content. Although the fat content is high, these fats are unsaturated fats, which not only do not make the dog fat, but on the contrary, they also regulate the cholesterol level. This reduces the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

4. Improve memory
Olives contain compounds that reduce oxidative stress, one of which is a substance called polyphenol. It can be a good way to improve your dog's memory and prevent the problem of Alzheimer's disease.

5. Appetite control
One of the main points to keep your dog from becoming obese is to control your dog's appetite. The unsaturated fats contained in olives can reduce the rate of digestion in dogs, making them less appetizing and feel fuller and more satisfied for longer.

6. Pain relief
Olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can be very good at relieving muscle inflammation and joint inflammation in dogs. This natural analgesic effect is very useful. It is a good choice when faced with surgical replies and cancer treatment situations.

7. Relief of constipation
As a fruit, olives are high in dietary fiber, and these dietary fibers regulate the intestinal environment of your dog and promote peristalsis. If your dog has a problem with constipation, then olives are one way to try.

Can dogs eat olives? What are the benefits of the olives given to dogs?

II. Is olive oil good for beautiful coats for dogs

Can dogs eat olive oil
Can dogs eat meat fried in olive oil? The olive oil is really a good thing, especially the extra virgin olive oil is good, because this is more suitable for dogs to eat oh. Virgin is directly squeezed from the olive fruit, equivalent to juice, can be eaten raw, not to mention the nutritional value, if the meat fried in olive oil can be fed to dogs to eat? This problem will be introduced by *** small to introduce it to you. To use of olive oil for dogs should also be carefully selected for its use, to the dog eat olive oil method is still relatively simple, you can directly mix the olive oil and dog food evenly so that the dog can eat normally, and you can also use olive yo fried meat fed to dogs, are no problem.
In order to make the dog's hair shiny and beautiful, some seaweed or let the dog drink a small amount of vinegar, some people use protein to coat the dog's hair, etc... These methods are not good. If you use protein to coat the Yorkshire or Maltese dog's hair, once it dries, the hair will fork and break but instead damage the hair quality, damage the hair root, making the hair duller, and sometimes cause dermatitis or skin disease.
To make the dog's hair shiny and beautiful, you can feed the dog more protein-rich feed every day. Additives containing vitamin E, vitamin D, and seaweed food, vegetables, such as lean meat, boiled egg yolk, vegetable oil, etc., and feed less food rich in sugar, salt, starch, etc. Dogs that are obese and have fat accumulation generally have poor hair quality.
At the same time, the dog should be given more sunbathing, absorb more ultraviolet light, and exercise frequently to promote blood circulation, so that the dog grows a healthy coat.
To protect the dog's hair, comb it every day and, if possible, apply a thin layer of hair oil to it. To make the coat shiny, also take care not to let the dog into the bedroom, and should be kept in a colder place.
There are benefits detailed as follows.
To make the dog's coat shiny and beautiful, some people use seaweed or let the dog drink a small amount of vinegar, some people use protein to coat the dog's coat, etc. These methods are not good. Such as using protein to coat the Yorkshire or Maltese dog's hair, once dry, the hair will be split and broken, but it damages the hair quality, damage the hair root, making the hair duller, and sometimes cause dermatitis or skin disease.
To make the dog's hair shiny and beautiful, you can feed the dog more protein-rich feed every day. Additives containing vitamin E, vitamin D, and seaweed food, vegetables, such as lean meat, boiled egg yolk, vegetable oil, etc., and feed less food rich in sugar, salt, starch, etc. Dogs that are obese and have fat accumulation generally have poor hair quality.
At the same time, the dog should be given more sunbathing, absorb more ultraviolet light, and exercise frequently to promote blood circulation, so that the dog grows a healthy coat.
To protect the dog's hair, comb it every day and, if possible, apply a thin layer of hair oil to it. To make the coat shiny, you should also be careful not to let the dog into the bedroom and should keep it in a colder place.
Short-haired dogs such as the Doberman Pinscher should be wiped down with a bath towel after bathing, which will make the coat shiny and lovely.

Three: What do I need to pay attention to when feeding olives to my dog?

The first thing to tell you is that when it comes to all foods that are not a staple in your dog's diet, owners should be aware of one thing: too much is too little. Owners should stick to small doses of any fruit. On top of that, the pits of olives are a pernicious thing for dogs. In addition to causing dogs to get stuck in their throats. Also, it is important to note that most unnatural olives, for dogs, have certain substances added, and these salts, preservatives, and other substances, can potentially harm the dog's body.

For dogs, olives are a portion of good food. However, the problem that owners must be aware of is that they must be careful in moderation. If the dog is not fed fresh olives, then olive oil is also a good choice. However, it is best to consult with the vet first when feeding it.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:374 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-17 18:01:14
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