Can dogs eat peaches? What are the substances in peaches that are good for dogs?


Peaches are a fruit with high water content and suitable sugar content and are rich in iron. Dogs can eat a little peach in moderation to strengthen their gastrointestinal function if overfeeding can lead to gastrointestinal problems and diarrhea symptoms.
In the promotion of scientific pets today, nutritionally balanced dog food has not been able to meet the needs of dog owners. They now want to raise their dogs to be healthier, so that they have a long enough life to accompany them. So now dog owners began to consider giving their dogs additional meals so that they can supplement the dog's nutrition by eating fruits. And can peaches, as a common daily fruit, meet the nutritional needs of dogs?

I. Can we feed our dogs peaches?

Let's just conclude that there is nothing wrong with giving your dog peaches. Not only can peaches be a snack for your dog, but they contain nutrients that can be very helpful in maintaining your dog's health, but one thing to note is that although peaches are delicious, they are not nutritionally balanced and cannot replace dog food as your dog's main food. Can only be given to dogs as a snack or fruit after meals.
Moderate consumption
Dogs can properly eat a little peach, after all, peaches this kind of thing is still relatively nutritious, to supplement iron, but if dogs eat more then it is easy to cause some problems in the body, such as easy diarrhea, vomiting and diarrhea and so on, so to the dog eat peaches, do not eat too much, just let it eat a few bites, to relieve the craving on the line.
Dogs can eat peaches, but it is best to peel and core them and feed them in small quantities. Not only can peaches be a dog snack, but the nutrients it contains can be very helpful in maintaining your dog's health. Although peach is delicious, it is not nutritionally balanced and cannot replace dog food as the main food for dogs, but can only be given to dogs as a snack or after-meal fruit.

2. What are some of the good things in peaches for dogs?

Vitamin C

Peaches are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C helps dogs produce collagen, which helps with antioxidants and slows down aging. Also, it can help replenish your dog with essential vitamins to avoid a variety of problems such as scurvy in dogs due to vitamin C deficiency.


Commonly found in fruits, potassium is a good diuretic that helps dogs excrete excess salt and water. It supports your dog's metabolic function and neurological function. But it can be a burden for dogs with poor kidneys. So owners need to be aware of this problem.

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In the summer when the weather is hot, dogs sometimes do not want to drink water, and at this time, peaches can well assume the role of hydration, replenishing the water required by the dog's body.

Dietary fiber

After a lot of food companies and health food companies publicity, you are no longer unfamiliar with dietary fiber substances. It can effectively regulate the dog's stomach and intestines. For constipated dogs, this can be a panacea. Peaches contain a lot of dietary fiber, but it is important to note that the fruit is not suitable for dogs with gastrointestinal disorders or when they are recovering from a serious illness.

Sugar supplement
Peaches contain a lot of sugar, and dogs will consume a lot of sugar in their regular exercise, these lost sugar can be effectively replenished by eating peaches, but do not let your dog eat too much. Eating too many peaches may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, or even diabetes in dogs.

Peaches contain a lot of iron and water, which can properly replenish the water lost by dogs. Also, peaches are palatable, and dogs are happy to eat them, which is also a good way to hydrate. Therefore, after your dog has had a lot of exercises, you can properly let them have a few bites of peaches to rehydrate.

The palatability of peaches is better compared to other fruits, and dogs will be in a happier mood if they eat some peaches properly. Give your dog peaches as a snack, you can relax and improve interaction. However, it is not advisable to let your dog eat too many peaches, and it is usually enough to let them have a few bites to quench their thirst.

Can dogs eat peaches? What are the substances in peaches that are good for dogs?

Three, whether puppies can eat peaches can be understood from the following aspects

First, peel and core them before eating them.
Second, in small quantities.
Thirdly, the consumption of peach kernels is prohibited.
The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

Puppies can not eat peaches specifically from the following aspects
First of all, peaches are rich in iron nutrients, puppies can eat some to enhance gastrointestinal motility, but before eating to remove the skin, so as not to eat the skin caused by puppy diarrhea.
Secondly, puppies should not eat too many peaches, generally speaking, only one or two bites are appropriate, Eating more will also lead to diarrhea.
Finally, the puppy eating peaches is prohibited to let the puppy eat the peach kernel, peach kernel contains cyanide, which is harmful to the health of the puppy eaten. If the whole peach kernel is eaten can also cause intestinal blockage.

IV. Precautions for feeding peaches to your dog

Beware of poisoning
There is a large amount of cyanide, bitter amygdalin, in the leaves, kernels, and peel of peaches. This cyanide can be harmful to your dog's body when ingested in certain amounts. Although most owners do not feed these to their dogs, most cases of dog poisoning are due to them stealing the peaches that their owners did not put away themselves. Therefore, owners need to pay careful attention to where the peaches are placed. Do not be easily stolen by the dog to eat.
Beware of dogs accidentally swallowing the kernels
The peach kernel is a very hard thing, if the dog accidentally swallowed the kernel, then its intestines will be scraped by the kernel, which will cause internal bleeding and other situations. If the kernels are blocked in the dog's intestines, it can even endanger the dog's life. So, be sure to remove the core of the peach before you feed your dog peaches. If it is convenient, it is best to cut the pieces first. After all, a dog that eats too quickly may also get the peach flesh stuck in its own trachea.

Add a meal to your dog with fruit, are peaches a good choice? The right way to eat peaches for dogs
Watch out for allergies

Peaches are actually fruits of plants belonging to the Rosaceae family, and the dog's immune system has enmity with plants of the Rosaceae family, and many of the plants that can commonly cause allergic reactions in dogs are plants of the Rosaceae family. So, when feeding your dog peaches, you need to give them little by little and observe whether your dog has an allergic reaction.

Pay attention to the sugar content of peaches
The sugar content of peaches is among the higher varieties, so the owner should pay attention to feeding in moderation. At the same time, we better feed the dog fresh peaches. If they are pickled peaches or dried peaches, their sugar content will become larger and more likely to cause health problems in dogs. If your dog consumes too much sugar over a long period of time, it can even lead to untreatable diabetes in addition to causing high blood sugar problems.

V. The right way to feed your dog peaches

One important condition for feeding fruit to your dog we've said a million times! It has to be cut into pieces before you can give it to your dog. And it's best to keep the number of peaches you feed your dog to about 20g each time. And the weight of a peach is about 200g, so generally speaking, you can only give your dog a tenth of a peach. At the same time, you need to remind owners again that peaches can only become a snack or after-dinner fruit for dogs, so they cannot replace dog food as their main food.

Is peach a good choice to add a meal to your dog with fruit? The correct position for dogs to eat peaches
Of course, now in April may be a distance from the peaches in June, but because of the development of human technology, there are many fruits that can already grow against the season, so even now, it is possible for dogs to eat peaches. I hope that the owners remember the phrase, although the fruit is good but in moderation. Portion size does not look, the dog becomes fat!
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:321 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-22 17:18:09
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