Can dogs eat spinach? Is spinach good for dogs?


Spinach is a vegetable that is often consumed in people's daily diet. As omnivores with a predominantly carnivorous diet, it does not affect dogs much if they do not add spinach to their diet.

Simply put, spinach is not an essential food for dogs.

Nonetheless, spinach is a nutrient-rich food, and there are many natural nutrients in spinach that are not available in dog food. Understand your dog's relationship with spinach this way: there is nothing wrong with your dog not eating spinach, but feeding your dog a little spinach once in a while will make your dog's body better.

I. What is spinach?

Spinach is an important edible plant in the purple safflower family, and its main distribution is in Asia. The leaves of spinach are consumed as a vegetable. Spinach is an annual plant that grows up to 30 cm in height.
Adding spinach to your dog's diet will increase the dietary fiber and the mineral "iron" in your dog's diet. In addition to this, spinach also contains a high amount of vitamin K, which contributes to the healthy development of your dog's bones. Spinach is also low in calories, making it a great low-calorie snack for dogs.
Despite the many benefits of spinach, the taste of spinach is not for every dog. If you are adding spinach to your dog's diet, adding it gradually in small amounts may be a good choice!
Spinach is an important edible plant in the purple saffron family

People can eat spinach, but what about dogs?
If your dog likes the taste of spinach, then I congratulate you, because your dog has gained another healthy food!
Yes, dogs can eat spinach, and as long as you feed your dog spinach in the right way, then spinach is a very safe food for your dog.

II. Is spinach good for dogs?

Spinach is high in vitamins A, B, C, and K. In addition, it contains good dietary fiber, beta-carotene, folate, minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, potassium), and some anti-cancer substances that are good for dogs.

For some dogs with constipation, the dietary fiber in spinach can promote bowel movement, which can help improve constipation.
For some dogs with anemia, spinach can help to replenish the dog's blood. Because spinach is rich in iron, which is a key substance for synthesizing hemoglobin in your dog's blood, you can try feeding your dog spinach if you notice that his tongue is white.
In addition, spinach helps your dog's eyesight development and protects your dog's retina from damage to a certain extent as your dog ages.
As one of the most common green vegetables, the nutritional value of spinach is undeniable. From the everyday human table in all corners of the globe to the wide variety of spinach-based products, the love and recognition of spinach nutrition are evident. This recognition and love have also influenced the pet food industry, becoming one of the most widely used vegetable ingredients for the production of pet food, wet food, snacks, nutritional drugs, and other multiple products.

The reasons behind this are based on its superb nutritional value.
It is rich in iron, a natural blood refueling station. As with many green leafy vegetables, the stems and leaves of spinach are rich in iron, promoting blood circulation, preventing anemia, and helping to replenish blood in humans and animals.
After eating the spinach that became "Popeye", when fed to dogs and cats, the difference is huge!
It is rich in dietary fiber, which helps maintain intestinal health and relieve constipation.
It is rich in natural vitamin complexes and minerals, to protect the multiple health of the living body. Spinach is rich in vitamin A, b-vitamins, C, E, and K.
These vitamins play an important role in many ways, such as vitamin A in improving the condition of the skin, coat, and hair, as well as in preventing night blindness and growth retardation.
While vitamin B complex (composed of B1, B2, B5, and B12) is effective in preventing loss of appetite, hair loss, decreased reflexes, and decreased nerve control. It also stops bleeding diarrhea, skin damage, macrocytic anemia, swollen gums, weakness, and eye dysplasia.
The more scarce natural vitamin K has the ability to enhance blood clotting and prevent excessive bleeding from wounds.
The spinach that turns into Popeye after eating is very different when fed to dogs and cats
Spinach is rich in the minerals calcium and magnesium, which help to strengthen and improve the health of the bones and tendons of the living body. It is especially important for young animals in critical growth and development periods and for animals in their old age.
In addition to this, spinach is a natural source of antioxidants and protein, both essential nutrients needed for the growth and development of living organisms.

Can dogs eat spinach? Is spinach good for dogs?

Three, what are the bad effects of spinach on dogs?

Despite its many benefits, spinach also contains oxalic acid, an anti-nutrient that can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients in your dog's body.

Oxalic acid can prevent your dog's body from absorbing calcium, and high amounts can also damage your dog's kidneys.

The soluble oxalate contained in spinach combines with calcium and magnesium in the blood, which prevents the dog from absorbing calcium and magnesium. It can lower your dog's blood calcium levels, which can lead to a sudden imbalance in your dog's metabolism. Oxalic acid combines with calcium to form calcium oxalate, which is excreted from the dog's body through the kidneys, and large amounts of calcium oxalate can cause damage to the dog's kidneys and even lead to kidney failure.
The oxalic acid in spinach is bad for dogs

Many studies have shown that dogs need to consume large amounts of spinach in order for it to be harmful to their bodies, and any poison that doesn't talk about dosage is a trick! If dogs are consuming oxalic acid over a long period of time, it is likely to induce kidney damage, muscle damage, heart arrhythmias, and breathing disorders in dogs.

So it seems that spinach-like all other foods have two sides to it. Sometimes spinach is good for dogs, but if you feed your dog too much spinach or use the wrong feeding method, then spinach can be harmful to your dog. So it's important to know how to feed your dog spinach properly. Good food with the right processing can really benefit your dog.

IV. How to properly feed spinach to your dog?

Here are some pre-processing processes we recommend you do before feeding your dog spinach.

1, Rinse the fresh spinach 2 to 3 times with cold water to remove any pesticides and impurities that may remain on the surface of the spinach.

2, cut the spinach into small pieces, this can increase the surface area of the spinach, the dog can also digest the spinach well after ingesting it.

3, put the chopped spinach into boiling water for 1 to 2 minutes, drain the water, then the oxalic acid in the spinach will be almost the same as the oxalic acid content in other vegetables. (Note: boiled spinach water is not for dogs, spinach water contains a lot of oxalic acids, people are also best not to eat it, it is recommended that you pour the spinach water directly away!)

4, do not add any salt, seasoning, lemon, etc. when cooking spinach, but you can add a little white vinegar, which helps dilute the oxalic acid in spinach.

5, if the dog can accept the taste of spinach, then you can feed the spinach directly to the dog; if the dog does not like the taste of spinach too much, you can mix the spinach into the dog's daily diet.

The following two ways of handling spinach are not recommended.

1, pickled spinach: pickled spinach will make the spinach lose a lot of its nutritional value and there is no need to feed the pickled spinach to your dog.

2, raw spinach: As we mentioned above, raw spinach contains a lot of oxalic acids, and it is not very easy for dogs to digest raw spinach, so raw spinach can be a burden on your dog's body.

How often should I feed my dog spinach?
Today, there are still many people (including many veterinarians) who point out that spinach can be a burden on your dog's body and that spinach can damage your dog's kidneys.
Yes, in some cases spinach does have such consequences. But the premise for these consequences is that the dog has to eat a lot of spinach and you also happen to be handling spinach in an incorrect way.

Spinach contains a lot of oxalic acids, and if that's all your dog eats in a day (raw spinach), they are certainly at risk of getting sick. If you do feed your dog spinach in this way, it can indeed damage their kidneys or cause bladder stones.
But if you feed your dog spinach the right way, he will not be harmed by it at all.
We recommend that you feed your dog spinach 2 to 3 times a week, with each feeding containing no more than 3% of his daily diet. As long as you follow this advice, your dog will not be harmed.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:389 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-22 17:03:25
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