Can dogs eat kimchi? What makes kimchi bad for dogs?


Can dogs eat kimchi? You may be wondering if your dog is begging for a bite, or if someone dropped it on the floor and your dog accidentally ate it. Humans can eat kimchi, so is it safe for dogs to eat it?
The short answer is It depends, but you should err on the side of caution and not feed your dog kimchi. Many kimchis have added herbs that may be toxic to dogs, plus the high sodium content may exacerbate pre-existing conditions such as high blood pressure and weight gain.
Radishes and cucumbers are good for dogs, but most kimchi contains more than that. As always, you must ask your veterinarian before sharing any human food with your dog, including kimchi. Here's what you should know about why you shouldn't feed your dog kimchi.

I. Why is kimchi bad for dogs?

In addition to regular dill pickles, many pickles, such as kosher dill pickles and bread and butter pickles, include spices and herbs, such as garlic, that can be toxic to dogs. Other varieties, such as spicy or hot pickles, can also cause problems for your dog.
Even if the particular spices or peppers used in the kimchi are not toxic to your dog, their stomachs may not adjust to the spicy taste and your dog may experience gastrointestinal problems.
If you know that all you have for pickles is cucumber, brine, vinegar, and dill, your dog will be fine with a little. Dill helps freshen your pup's breath and cucumbers are a low-calorie snack.
To be on the safe side, please consider feeding your dog cucumbers instead. Just be careful to do so in moderation, as the moisturizing, crunchy treat can make your dog lose stool.
Reasons not to give your dog kimchi
As just described, kimchi is a dangerous food for dogs.
Because it contains leeks and green onions dogs love to eat vegetables, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, groundnuts, and other vegetables are vegetables that dogs like to eat, dogs eat is no problem. On the contrary, as the dog can not eat vegetables, more famous are onions and long onions and the like.
銆€銆€Not only that, leeks can not be given to the dog to eat. Everyone should know that there are many cases of using chives in kimchi. When dogs eat leeks, onions, long onions, and other onions, causing the phenomenon of "onion poisoning". Put the onion leek kimchi, for dogs, is a very dangerous food, so you can not give it.
Because of the use of many spices, dogs eating spices is not good for the body? This is not the case, but if the spices are containing chili, pepper, pepper, etc. then not, and can cause harm to the health of the dog. Among the spices such as pepper and pepper and other stimulants, for dogs is very dangerous spices, and kimchi put a lot of these spices it. Dogs eat peppers and other stimulant spices, then, will cause diarrhea, and stomach pain, so you can not give dogs to eat kimchi. On the contrary, cilantro, perilla, dates, etc. on the dog's blood sugar level down, the antibacterial effect can be expected, adjust the intestinal environment, etc., some spices become beneficial to dogs, there is no problem if given in moderation.
Salt intake in large quantities is also bad when dogs eat kimchi, they will take in large quantities of salt. Kimchi of course also has a lot of salt, in addition to the salty dishes also contain a lot of salt. Radish, eggplant, kimchi, and other often used cabbage, as sauces to eat with dogs, are certainly not okay.
Dogs can not eat kimchi, some owners will think "then give it pickled radish, eggplant, cabbage, and other pickles". Yes, there are health benefits for dogs, but don't give pickled vegetables.

Can dogs eat kimchi? What makes kimchi bad for dogs?

II. What makes kimchi bad for dogs?

Pickles, in addition to regular dill pickles, often contain spices and herbs, such as garlic, which can be toxic to dogs.
Kosher dill pickles Bread and butter pickles are two examples of pickles that do not contain garlic. Other types of kimchi, such as spicy kimchi or hot kimchi, can also be dangerous to your dog's health.
Even if the specific spices or chilies used in kimchi are not toxic to your dog, their stomachs may not be used to the spicy taste, so your dog may develop gastrointestinal problems.
If you know that the kimchi you're eating contains only cucumber, brine, vinegar, and dill, you can rest assured that your dog will be fine with just a small amount.
In addition to freshening your pup's breath, cucumbers are a low-calorie snack option for you and your pup.
Instead of giving your dog carrots, consider giving him cucumbers as a preventative measure. But only in moderation, as the moist, crunchy snack may cause your dog to develop loose stools after eating too much.
Because it contains leeks and green onions
Dogs love vegetables, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, groundnuts, and other vegetables are vegetables that dogs love to eat, and it's okay for dogs to eat them. On the contrary, as the dog can not eat vegetables, more famous is the onion and long onion and so on.

Not only that, leeks can not be given to the dog to eat. Everyone should know that there are many cases of using chives in kimchi. When dogs eat leeks, onions, long onions, and other onions, causing the phenomenon of "onion poisoning". The kimchi with onion leek is a very dangerous food for dogs, so it should not be given.

Because of the use of many spices
Is there no health benefit for dogs to eat spices? This is not the case, but if the spices are containing chili, pepper, pepper, etc., then not, and can cause harm to the health of the dog. Among the spices such as pepper and pepper and other stimulants, for dogs is very dangerous spices, and kimchi put a lot of these spices it. Dogs eat peppers and other stimulant spices, then, will cause diarrhea, and stomach pain, so you can not give dogs to eat kimchi. On the contrary, cilantro, perilla, dates, etc. on the dog's blood sugar level down, the antibacterial effect can be expected, adjust the intestinal environment, etc., some spices become beneficial to dogs, there is no problem if given in moderation.

Salt intake in large quantities is also bad
When dogs eat kimchi, they take in a lot of salt. Kimchi of course also has a lot of salt, in addition to the salty dishes also contain a lot of salt. Radish, eggplant, kimchi, and other often used cabbage, as sauces to eat with dogs, are certainly not okay.

Dogs can not eat kimchi, some owners will think "then give it pickled radish, eggplant, cabbage, and other pickles". Yes, these are healthy for dogs but don't give pickled vegetables.

Is it safe for dogs to eat kimchi?
Or, can dogs drink kimchi juice? Both of these questions have the same answer: they shouldn't.
Although dill is a safe herb for dogs and may even have beneficial antioxidant properties, both dill pickles and pickle juice are high in sodium and can therefore cause health problems.

Three: What should I do if my dog eats pickles?

If your dog accidentally eats kimchi or two, don't panic. Make sure you know what kind of kimchi your dog ate, then call your veterinarian.
Depending on the amount and type of kimchi consumed, your veterinarian may recommend that you take your dog to the vet to make sure it's safe.
If your dog has consumed large amounts of kimchi, especially those containing onions, garlic, or other herbs that are toxic to dogs, call your local emergency veterinarian immediately.
Although you know that kimchi is dangerous for dogs, in the unlikely event that your dog eats kimchi, it is advisable to take him to the vet as a precaution. For the reasons I have already told you, kimchi has vegetables in it that dogs cannot eat, and kimchi that contains a lot of spices and salt is harmful to dogs. At worst, because of intestinal and stomach problems, there is also the danger of causing symptoms of poisoning, etc., and should never be given to dogs to eat.
If the dog wants to eat cabbage, remove the spices, less salt, with cabbage, eggplant, roughly these, hand-made good for the body of light savory is also away. While considering the physical condition of the dog, while looking for vegetables suitable for the dog, and hand-made food for the dog, the dog can be very happy!
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:388 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-22 17:19:14
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