Can dogs eat cinnamon? What are the effects of giving cinnamon to dogs?


Many foreign families add cinnamon to their recipes as if eating cinnamon will keep them healthy. In fact, this is not some foreign advanced health tip, as the origin of cinnamon in China, our ancestors, at a very early stage, began to eat the cinnamon powder. It was even recorded in the Materia Medica. So the question is since cinnamon can help humans stay healthy, can we feed it to our dogs?

I. Can dogs eat cinnamon?

The answer is an obvious "yes". However, it is important to note that neither nutritionists nor veteran herbalists are certain that cinnamon will have the same effect on dogs as it does on humans. What we can make clear, however, is that dogs have not experienced adverse reactions after ingesting cinnamon powder.

Which cinnamon is safe for dogs?
Generally speaking, the common cinnamon is Ceylon cinnamon, and the native cinnamon, generally speaking, we are exposed to, is native cinnamon. There is no big difference between these two types of cinnamon in terms of ingredients, but more in terms of the finished product. The only difference is that the money spent on expensive cinnamon can be left over to buy canned food for your dog.

II. What does giving your dog cinnamon do?


Inside the research of human nutritionists, cinnamon has shown amazing effects. It has more antioxidants than 26 other spices. As for the answer to the question of what antioxidants do, I guess most dog owners know more than I do.

Regulates cholesterol

Inside the study, it was found that cinnamon powder can regulate people's cholesterol levels, and this effect is very intelligent, it will lower the adverse effects on the human body LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while the body needs HDL cholesterol can be maintained stable.

Prevent Alzheimer's disease

It has been shown that cinnamon can inhibit the accumulation of proteins that are the hallmark of Alzheimer's disease and, in experiments, protect neurons in mice with Parkinson's disease, normalize neurotransmitter function and improve motor function.

It is important to note, however, that these effects have been studied and observed in humans, and further research and observation are needed to see if the same dog effects are seen in dogs.

My dogs and I enjoy this amazing, delicious spice every day of the year. The dog sprinkles cinnamon on his food at every meal. From yogurt and lemonade to vegetable curries, baked apples, and rice pudding, I love all kinds of treats. Cinnamon not only smells great, but it also tastes great - and cinnamon has many health benefits for dogs, as we'll see below.

First, what is cinnamon? Where does it come from?

Before we discuss the benefits of cinnamon for dogs, let's talk about cinnamon itself. Cinnamon is a small tree that grows in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Brazil, Vietnam, and Egypt; its bark is dried, rolled into cinnamon sticks (also known as quills), and then ground into a powder.

Can dogs eat cinnamon? What are the effects of giving cinnamon to dogs?

III. Cinnamon powder

There are four varieties of cinnamon, but Ceylon cinnamon (the Latin name is cinnamon Verum) and cinnamon cassia are the most popular; Ceylon, also known as true cinnamon, is sweeter, lighter in color, and more expensive than cinnamon, the darker cinnamon most commonly found in supermarkets and Starbucks. Whichever cinnamon you choose, spending more money on organic cinnamon is definitely worth it - it smells even better than its non-organic counterpart.

Traditionally, cinnamon has been used around the world to treat flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, and menstrual cramps. It is also believed to promote energy, vitality, circulation, cognitive function, and overall brain health, and to improve digestion of dairy products.

Cinnamon for dogs may help improve brain function.

In one study, sniffing cinnamon was shown to improve brain function - subjects performed better in terms of memory and attention after taking a whiff of this spectacular spice. So, if you're learning new tricks with your dog, giving him cinnamon may help.

This spice can prevent dogs from developing diabetes.

Recent studies have shown that as little as half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day helps regulate blood sugar and improve insulin resistance; it actually improves the body's ability to use insulin to raise blood sugar levels. This is critical for anyone at risk for diabetes, including older dogs and overweight dogs. So, in addition to feeding a low glycemic index dog food, another good use of cinnamon for dogs is in your puppy's food bowl!

Cinnamon helps prevent yeast infections.

Other studies have shown cinnamon to be antifungal, and it can fight Candida albicans, a fungus that causes yeast infections. These infections are usually resistant to medication, but not to cinnamon. (Dogs with allergies are susceptible to yeast infections).

Keep your dog's food fresher with cinnamon.

Cinnamon is also antibacterial and slows food spoilage. When I have to store a can of dog food overnight, I sprinkle a half teaspoon of cinnamon on top before refrigerating it (side note, do not refrigerate dog food in a can - to keep it tasty, spoon it in a glass storage container with a plastic lid). Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon can even prevent E. coli from growing in unpasteurized juice. So to be safe, always add cinnamon to raw apple juice.

Cinnamon helps treat arthritis

For older pups with arthritis, cinnamon is a great anti-inflammatory. For my K9 students, I mix a half teaspoon of cinnamon with a tablespoon of honey to great effect. This is the recipe used by researchers at the University of Copenhagen, where arthritis sufferers can easily walk with just a week's worth of cinnamon and honey each day. Yet more research shows cinnamon can lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol and slow the growth of leukemia and lymphoma cells.

A word of caution about cinnamon and dogs

Cinnamon (the darker, more common cinnamon) contains a compound called coumarin, which can damage the liver at high concentrations. Another reason to use Ceylon cinnamon! But cinnamon is safe for dogs, as long as you don't overdo it; a teaspoon or so a day is good for all of the above, but won't give you or your dog as high a dose as the higher concentrations in cinnamon supplement capsules (which contain a lot of C Omarion).

Cinnamon has a slight anticoagulant effect on the blood, so if a person is taking a blood-thinning drug such as aspirin, too much cinnamon can cause bleeding problems. Pregnant women (or dogs) should not eat too much cinnamon because it may have an irritating effect on the uterus.
But a small amount of cinnamon - half a teaspoon per meal - can obviously do more harm than good for a dog. Enjoy!

IV. Potential problems with feeding cinnamon powder to dogs

One issue that cannot be ignored is the substance, coumarin, that is contained within the cinnamon powder. Although coumarin is often added to perfumes and cosmetics and is a key ingredient in anticoagulant medications, excessive intake of coumarin can be a problem. However, excessive intake of coumarin can cause damage to the liver and kidneys, and the amount of coumarin in native cinnamon is generally about 1%. What's even more problematic is that we don't have accurate numbers to determine how much cinnamon is safe for dogs to consume. So we have to give as little as possible. Of course, we have another method, that is, we choose to use cinnamon essential oil to do aromatherapy.

Of course, the effects of cinnamon are still more attractive than the hazards, so if the owner really wants to maintain the health of the dog through cinnamon powder, then it is best to contact the vet for advice and help before feeding it. This way, you can be sure that the owner is giving the dog a tonic and not poisoning it.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:462 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-17 17:52:52
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