Can dogs eat apples? What are the benefits of eating apples for dogs?


Apples are the most common fruit we see in our daily lives and people have a very good impression of them, probably due to the proverb "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", which is true to a certain extent because apples are highly nutritious and have many benefits for the human body. Owners of fur children may wonder if apples are also good for the dog's body, keeping it away from the doctor? Dogs can eat apples, and they can also absorb the nutrients in apples, but the way the owner feeds them is important, and feeding them incorrectly can lead to dog poisoning. Here's a look at the dos and don'ts of letting your dog eat apples. Are apples suitable for dogs?
The flesh of apples is rich in nutrients and can be safely given to dogs, but the core is not suitable for eating, whether for humans or dogs. Apples contain a lot of water and are very sweet and sour, so dogs will like the taste, so apples are suitable for dogs to eat.
Apples are a very common fruit. In our daily lives, we not only use them to eat, but also to give as gifts. Because the apple not only means peace but also it is a very healthy food, can bring health to friends and family. It is even considered to be a powerful tool to make doctors lose their jobs, after all, everyone is saying: "an apple a day, the doctor stays away from me". So the question is if I feed my dog apples, will my vet lose his job because of it?

I. What are the benefits of apples for dogs?

One of the most important things people like about apples, besides the fact that they are delicious, is that they contain a lot of nutrients.
There are no toxic substances found in apples, so they can be safely given to dogs. Of course, unless the owner feeds the apple core to the dog. In this case, the original harmless food can be fed by the owner of the harmful effects of hard. Apples are a fruit that contains a lot of water and is slightly sweet, with a variety of flavors, and when grated can be used not only as a treat for dogs but even as a snack for babies.

Malic and Citric Acid

Apples taste tart because of the presence of these two substances. The more malic acid and citric acid there are, the sweeter the apples will be. These two substances can enrich the taste, but also have many other effects, for example, they have anti-inflammatory and get rid of fatigue, but also stop the dog's body to produce calcium oxalate stones, to prevent its urinary tract to produce stones.


Apples contain "pectin", a soluble dietary fiber that coagulates when it meets water. Pectin can help your dog's bowel movement and promote digestion, as well as reduce the number of bad bacteria in the intestine and help probiotics to multiply, reducing diarrhea in dogs. Pectin also makes dogs feel full easily, which allows them to eat less and achieve a slimming effect.

The potassium in apples promotes urination in dogs, helping them to excrete excess salt from their bodies. It can also lower blood pressure and prevent kidney disease, but it is not good for dogs with their kidney disease and hyperkalemia.

Apples contain more than a hundred polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties that prevent allergies in dogs and also inhibit the production of cancer cells.

II. How should I properly feed my dog apples?

1. Owners can only feed their dogs the pulp, not the core, leaves, and roots because the leaves and cores of apples contain **** and other harmful substances, which are not good for the dog's body when eaten in excess. The owner should clean the apple well, cut it into pieces, and not let the whole apple is chewed by the dog, they will swallow all the toxic parts.

2. dogs allergic to the Rosaceae plant, should not eat apples. According to scientists, most of the plants that are likely to cause allergies in dogs are in the Rosaceae family. And apples belong to the Rosaceae family, so if the dog will be allergic to this, it is not suitable to eat apples. '

3. Eat apples in moderation. Apples have a high sugar content and eating too many will cause your dog to gain weight and be prone to diabetes. Therefore, it is best for the owner to treat apples as a snack for the dog, let it eat 50-60 grams a day, and you can adjust the portion according to the weight.

4. The owner can peel the apple and cut it into dice, or make it into apple puree, and put it into snacks, such as yogurt and cakes, which can be used when rewarding the dog.

Three: Don't give your dog apple cores, leaves, or stems

Although apples are a usable fruit, the edible part is only the ripe part of the fruit. The leaves and cores of apples contain a lot of cyanide and other harmful substances, so be careful not to give your dog anything other than the flesh, as this could cause your dog to suffer from food poisoning.
Apples belong to the Rosaceae family and need to be aware of allergies
According to scientists, most of the plants that dogs are allergic to are plants of the Rosaceae family. Apples also belong to the Rosaceae family, so when you feed your dog apples for the first time, you need to pay attention to whether your dog will develop allergies, and it is best to give a small piece to try first, and then increase the amount after confirming that it is safe.
Apples are prone to illness if eaten in excess
Apples are a fruit with high sugar content, and over-eating them is like feeding your dog a spoonful of sugar. Too much sugar can lead to obesity and diabetes in dogs. The correct feeding amount is that it is best to feed about 5 to 6 cans of apples per kilogram of dog per day, and the owner is best to arrange this according to the dog's weight.

IV. How to feed your dog apples

Handle the apples first
If you want to give your dog an apple, it is recommended that you clean the apple, peel it, and then cut it into small pieces suitable for your dog to swallow. Also, we prefer grated apples. This makes it easier and happier for the dog to eat the apples in the form of pureed apples, and of course the grated apples can be fed to your children. Two birds with one stone.
Use apples to make small snacks
Apples can be a great ingredient, and in addition to eating them raw, we can also use them to make snacks. For example, apple pie, cakes made with apples and yogurt, or homemade fresh food for dogs with some apples in it. However, it is important to note that when cooking apples, you need to be careful not to put oil. After all, dogs are not very receptive to oil and salt
Apples are rich in vitamins, which can effectively promote the digestion of the dog's intestines
Apples are a good fruit for dogs and can be fed occasionally
But be careful, when feeding apples, you must remember to remove the core
Fruit cores contain cyanide, which is toxic to dogs

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Can you put the vet out of business by feeding your dog apples?
Apples are indeed a very beneficial fruit, and giving dogs more apples can make them healthier. But we should not deify it, it is only part of the daily care, not a cure for all diseases. Those of you who are studying to be veterinarians need not worry, apples do not put the doctors of this world out of business. After all, some dogs with physical ailments can eat apples only after the doctors have observed and judged them.

  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:366 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-22 17:09:13
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