How can I tell if my cat has a fever? Check your cat's body


I. How to tell if your cat has a fever?

Whether it's your cat or someone else's, having a fever can be a very common thing. It is a normal immune response that helps the body recover from illness by killing heat-sensitive bacteria. The heat caused by a fever also increases blood flow to injured tissues, thus helping to repair them; however, there are some cases where a fever can be dangerous.

If your cat is sick with a fever, you can help cool it down so it recovers more quickly. You may also want to consider using a lot of medication. Making your cat more comfortable will help her overcome the fever and get back to normal.

Keep an eye on the room temperature in your home
Recognize the symptoms of fever in cats. The normal range for a cat's rectal temperature is 38.1 degrees to 39.1 degrees. If your cat's temperature is outside of this range, chances are there is something wrong. The following symptoms may indicate a fever.
Poor appetite
More hair loss
Very rapid breathing
No longer grooming
Because most fevers are caused by an underlying condition, watch for other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, or swollen skin. These may point to the cause of your cat's illness.

Testing your cat's body temperature
Symptoms are one indication that your cat has a fever, but the only way to be sure is to take the temperature with a thermometer. You can take your cat's temperature directly in the anus or the ear. You will need a thermometer, lubricant (such as petroleum jelly or KY), alcohol and paper towels, and the cat.

If using a glass thermometer, shake it until the mercury is below the (35C) line. Simply turn on the digital thermometer. Use a special thermometer designed for pets to take the temperature of the ear.
If measuring your cat's temperature rectally, lubricate the thermometer. Hold your cat with one hand, or have someone else hold her. Lift her tail.
Insert the thermometer about an inch into the cat's anus. Leave the glass thermometer in place for 2 minutes. Remove the digital thermometer when it beeps.
Wipe the thermometer with alcohol and a paper towel.
Cuddle your cat to ease the emotions.
If your cat's fever exceeds 39C, take her to the vet immediately. High fevers can lead to organ damage.

How can I tell if my cat has a fever? Check your cat's body

Check your cat's body
Use your fingers to gently press on your cat's body. Determine if you can feel any injuries such as broken bones, swollen lymph nodes, abscesses, infected wounds, or tumors. All of these conditions can lead to fever. You may not be able to feel the cat's fracture easily. Fractures can cause swelling or bruising in some areas. If you apply pressure to the injured area, your cat will respond with pain. Be gentle when examining your cat.

You should be able to feel swollen lymph nodes in your cat's jaw area and around the shoulders. It can also be swollen at the back of the legs or near the groin.
If you notice any of these symptoms, take your cat to the veterinarian immediately. These conditions require immediate medical attention.
If you do not notice any of these symptoms, the fever may be a normal immune response. If possible, have your veterinarian examine your cat and they will try to identify the source of the infection. Unless your cat has had a fever for more than 24 hours, follow these steps
If your cat has had a fever for more than 24 hours, seek veterinary advice and treatment as soon as possible.

Help your cat calm down
Cats give off heat through the sweat glands of their paws and panting. Help your cat lower her temperature so that you can lower her body temperature. Find a cool, dark room, preferably with a slate or tile floor, so she can stretch and transfer body heat to the tiles.

If your cat is feeling uncomfortable, gently wipe her fur with water. You can use a damp cloth or spray bottle to wet her fur. The evaporation helps cool her body.

Provide plenty of water
A fever can be caused by dehydration, or it can lead to dehydration. You must provide your cat with as much fresh water as possible. If your cat is not a water drinker, you can give her a drink from a syringe (without a needle). Hydrating your cat can reduce fever (this is why cats are given IV fluids at veterinary clinics). A feverish cat is reluctant to move, so make sure it has a water bowl nearby. You can use warm water to wipe its gums clean.

In addition to water, you can offer your feverish cat Gatorade or a child's electrolyte solution. These may help restore the cat's electrolyte balance, especially if it has been vomiting or has diarrhea. You can use a syringe to get your cat to drink Gatorade.
If your cat is resistant to syringes, try freezing some water or Gatorade into ice cubes. Your cat may be more interested in licking the ice cubes than drinking the water (the ice water will help cool her down).
Never feed your cat milk! Cats are very sensitive to lactose. Milk can make your cat sick and cause nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Make sure it eats
Fevers require a lot of energy and can make your cat very weak. Your cat may not eat solid food. You can supplement its diet by offering soft foods. Chicken breast or canned tuna may be good choices.

If your cat refuses to eat dry food or soft food, try feeding your wet canned food using a syringe. This is a food designed for feeding sick cats or for feeding cats that cannot eat independently.
Insert the tip of the syringe into the inside corner of the mouth closest to the cheek. They will swallow by reflecting any area that passes within that area.
If your cat is unable to eat, you can ask your veterinarian to get some high-calorie liquid supplements. Your cat can consume these until she finishes eating solid food again.
How can I tell when my cat has a fever? Meow Medicine will tell you the symptoms and diagnosis of fever in cats!
Give your cat vitamin B and energy supplements
It is essential to ensure your cat's nutrition by improving appetite. Vitamin B complexes and energy supplements added to her diet can get your cat to eat more.

Do not supplement your cat with the following ingredients. They are toxic to cats.
Garlic or onions
Vitamin D
Vitamin C

Take your cat to the vet
If your cat seems fine but has a fever, take her to the vet in 24 hours. If she seems weak and has a fever, do not wait that long. A prolonged fever may be a sign of a more serious health problem. Your veterinarian can perform an examination and tests to help determine the cause of the fever. Be sure to tell your veterinarian about your cat's recent condition. Any contact with other animals, recent vaccinations or other treatments, allergies and any other factors that you think may be causing your cat's fever.

Fevers can have multiple causes, including.
Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections
Physical trauma
Autoimmune disease
Necrotic tissue
Tumors or cancer
The cause of the fever will determine the treatment. Your veterinarian will need to perform tests to determine the cause of your cat's fever. Common tests include blood and urine analysis.

Use aspirin only under veterinary supervision
Aspirin is not the first choice of a fever reducer for cats. It can cause dehydration, vomiting, and other serious symptoms. Aspirin can be used very carefully in cats if recommended by your veterinarian. Only the recommended dose is given. The recommended dose for cats is 2.5 mg/kg (5 mg/lb) every 48-72 hours. With pediatric aspirin, 50 mg or 75 mg tablets are usually available. This will promote smaller doses.

When feeding aspirin makes sure you have fed with food and water beforehand. Giving your cat aspirin on an empty stomach may make your cat feel nauseous.
Once absorbed by the stomach lining, aspirin is broken down into salicylic acid. However, cats lack the enzymes necessary to break down salicylic acid. Salicylic acid levels in cats will remain high for long periods. High doses can quickly lead to toxicity. Therefore, the dosage is important!

Know that cats cannot digest certain human medications
Reducing fever in cats is different from other animals due to their physiology. Cats lack an enzyme called glucuronosyltransferase in the liver. This means that they cannot break down many medications that are safe for humans. In many cases, even medications that are safe for dogs are not safe for cats. Unless specifically prescribed by your veterinarian, do not give your cat any medications that are used for humans. Doing so may kill your cat.

Meow Medicine tells you: If you suspect your pet is sick, call your veterinarian immediately. Always consult your veterinarian for health-related issues, as they have examined your pet, know its health history, and can advise on the best treatment for your pet.
  • Category:Cats disease
  • Views:338 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:45:39
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