How long can cats live? Symptoms of cats before they die


How long can cats live

Cats generally have a long life span, with most cats living to 15 to 18 years old, and some cats even living to 20 years old or more. The lifespan of cats is mainly related to genes, but also to feeding habits and physical factors of cats. If scientific feeding methods are adopted, then to a certain extent the life span of cats can also be extended. At the same time physically weaker cats are recommended to be brought to the vet in time for treatment if they become ill. If certain minor illnesses are not effectively treated, they will easily develop into major illnesses, which in turn will shorten the life span of the cat and even lead to its death. Finally, the oral health of the cat should be closely observed. If abnormalities such as dental calculus and red and swollen gums are found, it is recommended to bring it to the vet in time for medical treatment. Avoid shortening your cat's life span due to the occurrence of massive tooth loss.

How long can cats live? Symptoms of cats before they die

Lifespan ranking of 17 common pet cats

More and more people have cats, and I believe many people will inquire about how long a cat's life expectancy is before they buy one, and of course the longer the better, the longer they can stay with their pet owners.

Today we list 17 common pet cats "life expectancy list", to see how long your cat can live?

1, the civet cat: life expectancy of 12 to 15 years. (Adaptability, good health, not picky)

2, the lion cat: life expectancy of 15 to 16 years. (Long hair, easy to shed, more combing, better physical quality)

3銆丄merican shorthair cat: life span 15~20 years (lively, agile, smart, interactive, and physically strong)

4銆丅ritish shorthair cat: life span of 15 years or so. (Dull and cute, good quiet, easy to grow fat, to control weight)

5, orange cat: life expectancy of 15 to 22 years. (character loved ones, especially love to eat, take care not to raise overly obese cats)

6, Maine cats: life expectancy of 10~15 years. (character loyal and clingy, long hair, to help it comb more hair, eat a lot)

7, Chinchilla: life span 10~15 years. (weaker, more delicate, sensitive stomach, pay attention to a light and nutritious diet)

8銆丏warf cat: life span of 12~15 years. (lively and naive, relatively short legs, pay attention to bones and joints)

9, hairless cats: life expectancy of about 12 years. (pay attention to the gastrointestinal, pay attention to warmth and sun protection, the skin is prone to oil, to clean often)

10銆丆ow cat: life span of 8~12 years. (Playful and curious, strong and not easy to get sick)

11銆丼iamese cats: life span 12~20 years. (sticky and loyal, curious, needs company, can better adapt to the local climate)

12銆丳ersian cats: life span 13~15 years. (quiet and elegant, easy to lose hair, to help it comb more hair, eat more food of beautiful hair)

13銆丯orwegian forest cat: life expectancy 18~20 years. (The coat is thicker, more resistant to cold, independent, like climbing)

14銆丮umbai cat: life span of 12~16 years. (Like to play, very smart, will have excessive tears and respiratory disease.)

15銆丷agdoll cat: life span 10~12 years. (Weak intestines, pay attention to dietary problems, long hair, be diligent in grooming)

16銆丗olded ear cat: life span 10~15 years. (congenital cartilage underdevelopment, more painful at the onset, not recommended to breed)

17銆丒xotic Shorthair cat: life span 10~15 years. (Likes to please the owner, quieter, but prone to tear mark problems)

How to extend the life span of cats

1. Regular physical examination can detect diseases in time and prevent and treat them in advance.

2. Brush your cat's teeth as much as possible and pay attention to dental health.

3. Regular deworming and timely vaccination of cats can prevent infectious diseases and parasites.

4銆並eep the cat's weight appropriate, not too fat and not too thin.

5銆丟room your cat more often to promote blood circulation and maintain a healthy coat and skin.

6, more play with the cat, to ensure that the cat has a certain amount of exercise, you can use some snacks or toys to lure the cat to move, recommended this "Miao Xiu freeze-dried chicken particles", made of fresh chicken breast, good taste, high protein, can give the cat to grind teeth to relieve cravings, but also fattening hair cheeks. The price is not very expensive, just a cup of milk tea money, cost-effective, really is a delicious and nutritious snacks.

7, cat diet health is very important, it is best to choose a nutritionally balanced cat food for cats as the main food, can ensure the health of cats in all aspects. We recommend this "MiaoXiu cat food", a grain-free formula, selected chicken, fish, duck, fish and other high-quality meat as raw materials, rich in animal protein, easy to digest and absorb and will not cause excess nutrition, but also with fructooligosaccharides + probiotics, can promote absorption, care for the cat intestinal health!

Symptoms of cats before they die

The signs that will appear before the cat dies are: First, the heart rate decreases and the heartbeat is weakened. Second, shortness of breath. Third, prolonged anorexia or even hunger strike, and the body temperature drops, the body loses weight and the skin is loose. Fourth, the body breathes a foul smell. Biological world, itself is the weak, the survival of the fittest, the unfit die. Old age, sickness and death is also very common. As long as the mind is put on the line. You try your best on the line. In addition, to your family situation, it is recommended that you do not have a pet in the future. Because raising a pet and raising a child, you have to be responsible for them in the end. If you do not have the ability, do not touch. Hurt the animal, but also hurt your feelings.
1, sick pet cats often appear listless, happy to lie down, eyes dull or half closed. Some may also out an opposite mental abnormality, that is, the cat is excited and restless, spinning, biting things, screaming, mania, etc.
2, nutritional status of sick cats often back hair coarse, dry, lack of luster, thin, weak. Healthy cats usually have a smooth and rich coat and strong muscles.
3銆丅ody temperature can be measured directly with a thermometer, in general, you can observe the nasal end of the pet cat, such as the nasal end is dry is a sign of high body temperature. Once the cat has an elevated body temperature, it is often accompanied by thirst, lack of energy, sluggishness and loss of appetite.
4, pet cat standing, lying, walking, jumping posture abnormalities is also a disease of the cat, such as cat limb pain often walking lame, standing posture is not correct cat abdominal pain is often curled up body, head under the abdomen and unnatural lying position.
5, the normal number of breaths for pet cats is 20 to 30 times per minute. If the number of breaths increases or decreases, as well as breathing difficulties, it may be suffering from respiratory diseases or other systemic disorders. However, attention should be paid to distinguish between the seasons, temperatures, and changes in the normal physiological breathing of cats caused by changes in activity.
6. Pay attention to the difference with the cat's picky eating habits and the amount of water the cat drinks. If the cat has a fever or diarrhea and is dehydrated, the amount of water drunk will increase, but when the cat is seriously ill or in severe exhaustion, the amount of water drunk will decrease or even no water will be drunk.
6. The pet cat's eyes are gleaming. When a kitten is sick, the third eye face will protrude and cover part of the eye, sometimes even blocking half of the eye. The more the third eye face protrudes, the more serious the condition.
7. Pet cats move freely in both ears and are responsive to sound. The opposite is true for sick cats. In addition, attention should be paid to whether the cat has secretions, hair loss and other abnormalities in the ears.
  • Category:Cats disease
  • Views:320 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-01 17:23:21
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