Why do dogs shake?


I. Why do dogs shake their bodies?

Have you never wondered why your dog shakes his body? My dog does this, he will seem to shake his body right after I sweep the floor. After I put the broom away, the dog only slowly stands up and shakes his body hard. As if like a naughty child spreading a stain on the floor you just finished cleaning.

So why is the dog shaking his body? Is it because he knows I just finished cleaning? Is it being naughty on purpose? The answer is no, but he may be shaking his body because of the situation described below.

Why do dogs shake their bodies?
There are many reasons why dogs shake their bodies. If your dog likes to swim, you may notice that whenever he leaves the water, he shakes his body to dry it off. But it sometimes shakes when the body is dry, perhaps when greeting people, playing, getting up, or changing a lying position to shake the body, why is this?

1銆乀o keep dry
Dogs will shake their bodies after bathing or going swimming to help them shake off the moisture to dry and stay warm. Dogs' skin warms their fur and helps evaporate moisture, and a quick shake is an effective way for dogs to dry their bodies. Of course, to help your dog dry as quickly as possible, you can use a towel to soak up the excess moisture on their body.

2, relieve stress and tension
Your dog may occasionally shake his body after interacting and playing with another dog. Sometimes you may even find your dog shaking after being hugged by you, as most dogs don't like to be hugged.

Hugging is a way for humans to show their love and our dogs have learned to tolerate it, but sometimes it makes them feel uncomfortable.

Dogs will also shake their bodies in unfamiliar places or places they don't like, or when in contact with someone they don't know well.

Some dogs feel anxious, and the action of shaking their bodies can help them relieve this tension. Other stressors in dogs include the following.



Licking their nose or other areas


Dilated pupils

Ears sticking back

Tense body movement stiffness

3. Maintain body hygiene
Shaking the body can help dogs keep their bodies clean and fluffy. Dogs may also lick their bodies to clean their fur, but not as cats do.
Shaking the body is a good way for it to get rid of dirt and debris on the body. Another way to remove the dirt from its body is to brush and bathe your dog often.

4, may have ear problems

Your dog may have an ear infection or too much dirt in his ears and needs help cleaning them up. If your dog is shaking more often than usual and seems unbalanced (a sign of an ear problem), you need to go to the vet promptly to check the problem.

5. They have a skin condition
Your dog may be trying to relieve the discomfort caused by a skin condition. If your dog has mites, fleas, or ticks, he may be particularly itchy, and shaking his body can temporarily relieve the itching.

If your dog has been scratching or shaking his body very frequently, then your dog may have allergies or other skin conditions. This also requires a timely visit to the veterinarian.

6, habitual action
Just like some people like to stretch after doing something, shaking your body may be a habitual action of your dog. Will your dog shake his body after getting up or coming home from a walk? If so, then they may be saying, "I'm good, what's next?"

Speaking of shaking, we just learned why dogs actively shake their bodies, so what about shivering? Next, we will talk about why dogs shake uncontrollably, the following may be the cause of dog shaking Oh.

1, your dog may be suffering from pain
If your dog is injured, it will feel pain. This pain will produce a lot of adrenaline, which will cause your dog to shake uncontrollably.
If your dog is injured, or if you think your dog is in pain, don't hesitate to take him to the vet right away.

2, your dog may be afraid
Many dogs shake when thunder strikes, or when firecrackers are set off for the New Year. There is also a situation where it is afraid of someone. Dogs that have been abused will shake when they receive a shock (high volume, fast-moving objects, specific objects, etc.).

3. Your dog may be overexcited, anxious, or nervous
This can happen when your dog is excited and trying to control itself. For example, if you have your dog sitting with a treat in his hand, they may be shaking with excitement. Your dog will try to control itself and stay seated so it can enjoy the food.

4銆丏ogs feel cold
If it's cold outside and your dog is shivering, then obviously you've found the reason why he's shivering. Make sure you dress your dog in the winter and don't let them stay in the cold weather for too long.

5, your dog may be sick

Some dogs can change to diseases that cause shivering, including

Parkinson's disease

Epilepsy disease

Kidney disease


Canine distemper


Well, now that we know about so many conditions, what do you think is causing your dog?

Why do dogs shake?

II. Why is your dog shaking?

I believe that we have all encountered dogs shaking in the process of raising dogs, so why do dogs often appear to shake? Here let me tell you the reason, see which one your dog belongs to!

1銆丏og because of poisoning
The typical symptoms of food poisoning are foaming, twitching or body shaking.

Then the body becomes rigid and gradually turns to death. Once the dog is found to have accidentally eaten toxic substances must be immediately sent to the hospital, as soon as possible to rescue!

2銆乼he dog's body discomfort
Shivering may also be a pathological symptom, such as chronic kidney failure, neuromuscular diseases, trauma, muscle problems, distemper, epilepsy, etc., which may make the dog shiver.

If the dog has been shaking inexplicably, we must send it to the vet as soon as possible to check!

3銆丏ogs because they are afraid
Dogs because of extreme fear and fear will be expressed physical reactions, such as encounters with unfamiliar surroundings, going to the veterinary hospital, or encountering thunder and other situations that may begin to shake.

This means that the dog is very anxious and anxiety, and may also be accompanied by some other signals, such as curling up the body, drooling, panting, whimpering, and so on!

4銆乼he dog because of calcium deficiency
If the dog did not eat the wrong thing but also keeps twitching, especially the hind legs twitching that may be caused by a lack of calcium, generally dogs are most likely to lose a lot of calcium after giving birth, resulting in postpartum twitching.
For such a situation, the owner usually may wish to feed the dog some pet calcium tablets, so that you can solve the dog shaking and other situations!

5銆乥ecause of the low temperature
Dogs shivering may be simply because of the cold, if the weather in the lower temperatures takes the dog out to find it shivering, it is time to return to the warm home.

If you find your dog shivering at home, please close the windows first to ensure that the room is warm enough, generally, short-haired dogs, small dogs, and dogs whose origin is not in the cold zone will be more afraid of the cold!
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:320 Views
  • Release Date:2022-08-04 11:33:06
  • Link to this article:https://en.petzuo.com/Dogs-feeding/Why-do-dogs-shake
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