How to stop dogs from fighting?


I. How to stop your dog from fighting?

When witnessing two dogs fighting, it can be a scary experience for any owner and dog, especially if the dog in question is your own. When seeing your own dog fighting, many owners' first instinct is to run over and scream, but these actions are overly exciting and may only make the situation worse and put yourself in more danger.

Therefore, if you intend to intervene, you should first determine whether you are safe, and then there is no need to intervene, rather than on impulse.

1, there are signs of dog fighting
Sometimes, the dog "fight" is not really fighting, it is likely to be just playing. If just playing, and no big problem, then there is no need to intervene, but if they have the following phenomena, representing the dog is a real fight:.

1, growling

2銆丩icking lips

3銆丆apture sprinting

4銆丗earful or submissive posture

5銆乀ucking the tail

2, 5 kinds of safe solution to dog fighting methods
1銆丼eparate the dogs

This is the preferred option, but at least two people are needed. Separating the dogs without getting bitten yourself means staying away from the head or neck area of any animal. The safest way to do this is to grab the dog from the back end, lift the hind legs off the ground, and then quickly pull them apart.

2. Place a pillow or other item between the dogs

Use a pillow or other object placed in the middle to interrupt them and divert attention, but remember to stay calm when operating and keep your hands away from the dog's mouth to avoid biting.

3銆乀hrow a blanket on the dog

Similar to the pillow method, the blanket breaks the strong eye contact between the animals and can help "dissuade" them from thinking aggressively.

4銆丼pray your dog with water

If you happen to have a spray bottle of water or pet citronella oil, etc., you can spray the fighting dog to stop the dog's fighting behavior. Because the cold liquid is also another way to break the intense attention of each other.

5, sound to distract the dog's attention

Use sound to divert the dog's attention, for example, you can try ringing the doorbell or shaking the can with the coins inside to produce a louder noise to stimulate the dog and divert the dog's attention.

On a daily basis, when taking the dog outside, owners should always pay attention to the dog's behavior so that the dog does not rush around. If the dog cannot socialize properly in a dog group, it is recommended that you can first find a dog with a docile personality so that the dog learns and gets used to normal socialization, rather than getting excited to fight with every dog you see. In addition, it is also recommended that you find a professional dog trainer to help correct, otherwise, every time you walk your dog to see another dog, you can only walk away or hold up. Over time, walking your dog can become a burden!

How to stop dogs from fighting?

II. How to safely stop your dog from fighting

It is not uncommon for dogs to attack each other. For them, whenever the other party invades their territory or shows a hint of hostility towards themselves or their owners, then they are the enemy and the only way to put their minds at ease is to defeat the other party. When dogs are fighting, dog owners try to make them because they are afraid their dogs will get hurt, but the wrong way to stop them will only make themselves the target of their attacks. So, how do we safely stop our dogs everyone? We need to pay attention to these tips.

Do not grab the dog's collar
This is probably the most common mistake dog owners make when it comes to stopping their dogs from fighting. Because dogs are in the middle of a fight, once someone grabs them, their first reaction is to bite the person who would grab them. Don't assume that the dog will recognize the owner in that situation, the dog in a fighting state will not realize that it is their owner who is grabbing them.

Do not intervene in a fight alone
If you can, look for help, do not intervene in the dog's fight alone. Because you stop a party, it does not make the fight stop, but will be caught by the party to be more attacked. If someone is willing to help you, then you can try one of you to grab a dog's hind legs, and then pull them apart and rotate 180 掳, and do not let the two dogs face each other again.

If you have only one person
1. First of all, we should not rush to do it, after all, it is a very dangerous thing for a person to intervene. We should first try to make some louder noise to scare the dogs, to see if we can scare the two dogs to stop.

2. After the failure of plan A, we have to go see if there is a bucket and water nearby, or even a tap. We can try to splash them with a bucket of water, or spray them with a hose. Interfere with the elegance of the dogs fighting.

3. We can prepare a belt, when the dogs tangle with each other, lasso one of them and then control. It is worth noting that please put your own safety first, dogs fighting with each other to get hurt, but less than we were bitten by the dog to get hurt.

4. If possible, use a large plastic sheet to separate them until they calm down because they can not see each other.

Never try to stop a fight between two dogs without tools, and after a successful stop, separate the two dogs immediately and do not let them see each other, otherwise they will start a second showdown.

It is very difficult for one person to stop a dog fight, and it depends on luck. So in the first instance, we should consider finding someone who can help and stay calm during the stopping process, as you are more likely to be attacked by the dog if you show weakness and act timidly. After successfully stopping the dog from fighting, isolate them and then take them all to the vet for examination.

The first element to consider in the whole process is our own safety, and while I know dog owners don't want their dogs to get hurt, rushing into action will only get you more seriously injured than your dog. You have to think clearly, if even you as the owner are injured, then who will take care of your dog?

Three: What if my dog fights while walking him?

1. Know your dog: If your dog is aggressive or shy and timid. Owners would be wise to just avoid it and other strange dogs.

2. Know the body language: Dogs do warn each other through body language before they fight. If the dog shows warning signs, we should drag him away from other dogs.

3. Carry pepper spray: Like pepper spray, this spray will make the creature being sprayed feel uncomfortable, and through the spray, it will make both sides of the fight have no time to continue.

4. Shorten the leash: If the leash is too long, the greater the range of free movement of the dog, the less binding the owner. Once the fight really starts, a shorter leash is more likely to stop the dog.

5. Do not feed: If the dog is fighting, the owner tempts it to stop with food. The dog will take the food as a reward for the owner to give it a valiant fight.

6. toys are also: the role of toys and the role of food are the same, for the dog are rewards.

7. moderate exercise: if a dog to tease a dog that has been exhausted playing, then it is likely that this tease will escalate into a fight.

8. Say hello: When you meet another dog on the road, the owner had better say hello to each other earlier than the dog, to avoid two irritable dogs in the first time they meet, they will start fighting.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:357 Views
  • Release Date:2022-08-04 11:09:09
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