How often should you brush your dog's teeth?


I. Why you should brush your dog's teeth

It's not too much to ask how many times your mother-in-law can take care of your dog's mouth. Because only when the dog is young, the oral care is done properly, the dog can be healthier when it is old, without you having to worry about its dental problems, naturally saving a lot of heart.

1, why do you need to brush your dog's teeth?
If the owner is willing to spend time brushing the dog's teeth, in the long run, is a good way to help the owner save money. Because by sticking to routine dental care for your dog daily, then you can avoid expensive surgical procedures and also avoid your dog suffering from dental pain. If you don't brush your dog's teeth, they will be covered with plaque, and with the combined action of bacteria and saliva, this sticky substance that adheres to the teeth forms and then hardens and becomes calculus.

If brushing is not done correctly or if the dog is not brushed consistently, the tartar will spread and will move up the gum line, and if the gums have been damaged, the dog may lose teeth. A more serious condition is the development of painful gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. The dog's dental jawbone will be damaged and the soft tissues around the teeth will be destroyed.

2銆丠ow often should I brush my dog's teeth?
The answer to the question of how often to brush your dog's teeth is, ideally, every day! If you can brush your dog's teeth twice a day, that would be even better. But in reality, twice a day is not realistic, so the next best thing is for dog owners to brush their dogs' teeth at least three times a week to avoid plaque build-up.
Many dog owners help their dogs brush their teeth to get into the habit of brushing them, usually right after they brush their teeth, so that they can incorporate their dog's dental cleaning into their daily habits. On the other hand, in this case, dogs are also more likely to accept the matter of brushing their teeth.

3銆丠ow should dog owners brush their dogs' teeth?
If the dog is newly adopted or is still a puppy, it is a good time to instill this habit. But it doesn't mean that adult dogs can't learn to brush their teeth, just like "live and learn", it's never too late to do it.

So how exactly do you brush your dog's teeth? First of all, take a soft cloth or a toothbrush and special toothpaste for dogs, not human toothpaste or products like baking soda. Because ingesting them can be harmful to your dog. In the first few days, try only the rubbing action, the main purpose is to make the dog like the toothpaste first. When the dog shows cooperation, the dog can be rewarded appropriately. Once the dog gets used to the dog toothpaste, you can start brushing the dog's teeth with a toothbrush. Generally, plaque accumulates most on the canine and cheek teeth, so treat them first. Once your dog gets used to the feeling of letting you touch their lips and mouth, you can start brushing all of their teeth. Dogs have more plaque buildup on the outside, so you can not worry too much about the inside of the teeth.

4. How often should I check my dog's teeth?
In addition to daily care, it is necessary to go for regular check-ups of your dog's teeth. If it is an adult dog, you should visit the dentist at least once a year to clean the areas that you normally can't clean by brushing your dog's teeth and to keep your dog's best health. In addition, in our daily life, we should balance our dog's diet and should not give him too much sugar and too many pigmented substances to make his teeth healthier.

II. How to brush your dog's teeth

Many shovelers neglect to brush their dogs' teeth when they see that they are quite white. Dogs, like humans, need to brush their teeth. If the dog resists brushing, then the pooper scooper can use other methods to clean the dog's teeth.

1. Use a dental cleaning stick
There are many teeth cleaning sticks on the market, and you can choose the flavor and shape of the stick. If the dog breaks, the shovel will need to hand a new stick. The stick is suitable for dogs over three months old, dogs under three months old have a weak stomach, and the stick is hard to digest and not suitable for puppy dogs.

2. use teeth cleaning spray
To clean the dog's teeth and mouth, you can also use the teeth cleaning spray, take out the prepared teeth cleaning spray, open the dog's mouth to reveal the teeth, and use the teeth cleaning spray on the dog's teeth gums spray two times. However, it is important to note that you need to prepare a dog-specific cleaning spray, not a human cleaning spray for the sake of convenience. Human cleaning sprays usually contain xylitol, which is inedible to dogs and may cause deficiency if the dog accidentally eats xylitol.
However, some dogs do not like the cleaning spray and run away when they see it, so the pooper scooper should not force it.

3. Use mouthwash for dogs
If the teeth cleaning stick is not suitable for the dog, you can use mouthwash. The dog's mouthwash is suitable for busy office workers or students who have little time to use it. The mouthwash is more acceptable to the dog, and the shoveler doesn't have to brush the dog's teeth as hard, nor does he have to keep an eye on the dog to use the teeth cleaning stick and give it a new one when it breaks.

How often should you brush your dog's teeth?

Three, how often should you clean your dog's teeth?

The recommended frequency is "brush your dog's teeth once a day".

Plaque forms on the surface of the teeth and gums. This plaque is a sticky substance that contains bacteria, food particles, and saliva. If this plaque is not cleaned promptly, it will gradually mineralize and form hard tartar, also known as tartar, within about 48 hours, which is very difficult to clean with a toothbrush. For this reason, brushing your dog's teeth once a day will minimize the chances of plaque mineralization.

Removing plaque is critical because once tartar mineralizes, it attracts more plaque, which then forms more tartar. Tartar buildup can occur above and below the gum line and they can attract many dangerous bacteria that can lead to the destruction of periodontal tissue.

Many veterinarians recommend that dog owners start brushing their dogs' teeth when they are young, as veterinarians agree that "good brushing habits start at a young age.

How do I clean my dog's teeth?
Cleaning your dog's teeth is easy, especially if you start early.

The first and most important step to brushing well is to get the right tools. Toothbrushes come in a variety of styles and kinds of toothpaste come in a variety of flavors, so it's important to choose the right "brushing kit" for your dog. For example, finger brushes are usually best for large breeds (such as Labrador Retrievers), while some smaller brushes with handles may be more suitable for small and miniature breeds.

How do you know you're cleaning well?
You can tell if you're brushing well by looking closely at the color of your dog's teeth and gum line. Cleaned teeth should look white and most of the pigmentation or tartar should have been removed. Also, clean gums should be pink and lighten slightly under pressure.

Where can I clean your dog's teeth?
In addition to brushing your dog's teeth every day, you can also take him for frequent deep cleanings.

If you notice your dog has bad breath, tartar buildup, or early signs of gum disease, take him to the vet promptly. Most veterinary clinics have deep dental cleaning facilities, and you can take your dog to one of these clinics regularly to have his mouth cleaned by a veterinarian. If you want more specialized instruments to help your dog with oral care, then you can ask your veterinarian to recommend a better veterinary dental clinic.

What procedures will be involved in a professional dog dental cleaning?
During a professional cleaning, your dog will be anesthetized. Dental cleaning may include the following.

1. basic blood work to confirm good organ function

2. Thorough oral examination (including examination of the gums, tongue, and teeth)

3. dental x-rays

4. manual removal of tartar

5. Extraction of certain abnormal teeth

6. ultrasonic cleaning of teeth

7. polishing

8. Fluoride treatment
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:326 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:36:22
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