Dogs are best not to eat almonds? Dogs eating nuts precautions


Dogs are better off without almonds

Generally speaking dogs cannot eat almonds, which contain bitter amygdalin, which can be hydrolyzed by stomach acid and produce highly toxic substances. Dogs that eat too many almonds may suffer from respiratory distress, impaired consciousness, general convulsions and even sudden death from cardiac arrest. Humans should not consume too many almonds, let alone dogs with fragile stomachs.
Almonds contain cyanide, which can interfere with the normal release of oxygen in the blood, resulting in its inability to enter the tissues causing asphyxiation. In mild cases, headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, and in severe cases, breathing difficulties, impaired consciousness, general convulsions and even respiratory paralysis, cardiac arrest and death. Humans can not consume excessive almonds, not to mention the fragile metabolic system of dogs and cats.
Similarly, apples, pears, loquats, almonds, peaches, plums, mangoes, plum seeds, dogs and cats are not allowed to eat.
1. many of the nuts contain too much phosphorus should not be consumed.
2. walnuts are toxic to dogs and cats
3. macadamia nuts contain unknown toxins that can affect the nervous system and digestive system of dogs, causing muscle twitching and atrophy, although there is no precedent in cats, but try to avoid it for insurance purposes.
Consequences of Almond Consumption in Dogs
Almonds are very high in oil content, cholesterol, etc., not easily digested and absorbed by the dog's intestines, dogs are prone to gastrointestinal indigestion. Almonds contain bitter amygdalin, which can be hydrolyzed by stomach acid and produce highly toxic substances. Dogs eat almonds, light dizziness and headache, nausea and vomiting, serious may lead to respiratory distress, impaired consciousness, general convulsions and even sudden death in cardiac arrest.
Can dogs eat almonds? Too much almonds may be life-threatening!
Dogs accidentally eat almonds treatment
If a dog accidentally eats a small amount of almonds, the owner can first observe the situation, generally speaking, there will not be too big a problem, pay attention to the dog's intestines and stomach on it. If your dog accidentally eats too many almonds, it is best to send your dog to the hospital for consultation, gastric lavage if necessary, and follow medical advice for treatment.

Dogs are best not to eat almonds? Dogs eating nuts precautions

Cautions for dogs eating nuts

In fact, it is generally not recommended to give dogs to eat nuts, one is because nuts are easy to cause blockage of the dog's trachea, resulting in breathing difficulties; secondly, the fat content of nuts is particularly high, it is easy to cause obesity in dogs; thirdly, similar to walnuts, macadamia nuts and other nuts for dogs is toxic, will cause damage to the dog's nervous system, digestive system, the owner is difficult to distinguish which nuts Dogs can eat. Dogs usually the main food to dog food is good, really want to feed snacks can buy special snacks for dogs, do not feed miscellaneous things to dogs.

The dog ate an almond is not okay
The dog ate an almond is not okay, will cause physical poisoning, if not rescued will die, generally speaking dogs can not eat almonds, almonds contain bitter amygdalin, can be hydrolyzed by stomach acid, producing highly toxic substances. If dogs eat too many almonds, it may lead to respiratory distress, impaired consciousness, general convulsions and even sudden death from cardiac arrest. Humans should not consume too many almonds, let alone dogs with fragile stomachs.
The oil content and cholesterol in almonds are very high, not easily digested and absorbed by the dog's intestines, dogs are prone to gastrointestinal indigestion. Almonds contain bitter amygdalin, which can be hydrolyzed by stomach acid and produce highly toxic substances. Dogs eat almonds, light dizziness and headache, nausea and vomiting, serious may lead to respiratory distress, impaired consciousness, general convulsions and even sudden death from cardiac arrest.
If the dog eats a relatively small amount of almonds, the owner can first observe whether the dog has vomiting, diarrhea symptoms, if so, it is best to take the dog to the veterinary hospital for examination and purchase drugs for treatment; if the dog eats a larger amount of almonds, it is recommended that the owner is best to take the dog to the veterinary hospital for examination, if necessary, can be taken to induce vomiting, gastric lavage of the undigested almonds in the stomach, and then targeted treatment.
Generally not recommended to eat nuts for dogs, one is because the nuts of food is easy to cause the dog's trachea blockage, resulting in breathing difficulties; second is the nuts of food fat content is particularly high, it is easy to cause obesity in dogs; third is similar to walnuts, macadamia nuts and other nuts for dogs is toxic, will cause damage to the dog's nervous system, digestive system, the owner is difficult to distinguish which nuts dogs can eat . The dog's usual staple food to dog food is good, really want to feed snacks can buy dog-specific snacks, do not mess with feeding the dog miscellaneous things.

Can dogs get poisoned by almonds

Even if your dog's bowl is full of food, he will still come to your side if you have the food in your hand and he sees it. But when feeding your dog food, we must know if the food in our hands is suitable for your dog to eat. Almonds are a favorite for people seeking a healthy lifestyle and are recommended by nutritionists as the best choice. Almonds can help you lose belly fat and promote heart health.

Can dogs eat almonds?

Yes. However, not all almonds are suitable for dogs. The best choice is plain, unsalted almonds - raw or roasted. Remember to watch the size of the almonds to avoid clogging your dog's esophagus, especially in small dogs, and don't feed too many at once.
Chopped or sliced almonds, almond flour, and almond butter without added sugar or xylitol are all good choices if you plan to make baked treats for your dog. Especially if your dog is allergic, you'll have to choose gluten or gluten-free treats.
In fact, the sweet almonds we buy at the grocery store are safe to eat, but unprocessed bitter almonds are deadly because they contain hydrocyanic acid. Often, it only takes 7 to 10 unprocessed bitter almonds to endanger lives. Of course, the toxins in bitter almonds can be removed by roasting or boiling them.
In fact, even nuts that are safe for humans can be toxic to dogs. Macadamia nuts can cause temporary weakness, vomiting, and diarrhea in dogs; walnuts and pecans, for example, are not toxic in themselves, but many veterinarians recommend that dogs consume them because the moldy shells produce a chemical that is toxic to dogs. Although almonds do not contain any substances that are toxic to dogs, there are some precautions to take when feeding them.

Salt and seasoning

Almonds now come in many flavors, and as we all know, chocolate is toxic to dogs, so we should not offer chocolate almonds to dogs
Excess salt, sugar and artificial sweeteners are harmful to dogs. Some brands of almonds add xylitol to reduce the sugar and calorie content. Xylitol is a substance that is harmless to humans but toxic to dogs. Sodium is normally required in a dog's diet, but consuming too much of it can be harmful; and the most common consequence of consuming too much salt is dehydration, which can also lead to sodium toxicity. Symptoms include vomiting, lameness, lethargy and seizures.

Esophageal obstruction

Dogs are not able to chew as well as humans, so owners of small dogs should be alert when it comes time to feed almonds. For large dogs, this is not a big deal. But for small dogs, because their throats can be small, be sure to slice the almonds thinly or break them up in your hand and hand them to your pup.


It's important to pay attention to your dog's overall diet. Too many calories can cause your dog to produce too much fat, and too much fat can turn into obesity. This can put extra stress on your dog's bones and joints, and can also lead to more serious problems such as heart and liver disease. A dog's caloric needs will vary depending on breed, age, activity level and current weight, so it is best to consult your veterinarian for advice on your dog's health.
As a general rule, a dog's diet should be controlled as follows: 90% of calories should come from meals and 10% should come from snacks. And almonds are not the best choice for keeping calories low, as 28.35 grams of almonds contain about 130 calories. If you want to keep your dog slim, other snack options are recommended, such as blueberries (85 calories/cup) or a hard-boiled egg (70 calories/each).

Almond butter and peanut butter

If you want to swap your dog's peanut butter for almond butter sauce, you may want to consider a few things. Both types of butter are safe for dogs, and they both contain about the same amount of calories and sugar. And almond butter contains more vitamin E, iron, calcium and fiber than peanut butter.
Almond butter is often considered a healthier choice than peanut butter, but whichever you choose, be sure to pick one that doesn't contain xylitol or added sugar like many nut butters.

Like most foods, almonds are one of those foods that dogs can eat, but not in excess. If you're worried that you're feeding your dog almonds, the best thing to do, is to take your dog to the vet and seek veterinary help. The vet can also be consulted on how to feed and ration the food so that the owner has no worries.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:471 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-17 16:48:35
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