Can dogs eat sugar?


One, feeding your dog sweets for a momentary pleasure, but behind these hazards

Dogs for dessert is also a snack, intake of sugar is certainly able to bring pleasure, but this pleasure is only short-lived, and will also bring a lot of trouble in the follow-up, you know what harm dogs eat sweets? Here let me share with you, read up on knowledge it.

1, easy to have diabetes
If dogs eat too many sweets, the body digests and decomposes sugar, and the pancreas will spontaneously secrete a large amount of insulin, resulting in overload, which can easily cause functional failure, which can lead to diabetes. It is recommended not to feed desserts, appropriate for the dog to eat some sweet fruit can be.

2, easy to have obesity
The dog's body can not break down, or metabolize the sugar, sugar will be converted into fat, it is easy to dog obesity, but also easy to leads to a series of dog diseases, so the owner has to control the intake of sugar, do not let the dog eat too much sweet food.

3銆丆an lead to dog poisoning
Chocolate is a sweet treat at the same time, often easy to be dog eyes and thus steal to eat, but chocolate contains a lot of theobromine, the higher the purity of chocolate, the higher the theobromine content, the dog will eat heart disease, and in serious cases, even death, so it is best not to let the dog eat chocolate, or regret it is too late.

4, affect the digestive system
Because dogs can not decompose and absorb sucrose when dogs ingest too much sugar, it will affect the digestive system, resulting in the formation of a hyperosmolar environment in the dog's digestive tract, which makes a lot of body fluids into the intestinal cavity, and then diarrhea. For gastrointestinal problems, it is recommended to feed probiotics to properly regulate Oh.

5, resulting in dog hair loss
Dogs ingest too much sugar, which will increase the burden on the dog's stomach and intestines, resulting in endocrine flocculation, which will lead to hair loss and may aggravate the tear stains. So the owner usually best not to feed the dog some sugar or too sweet food like cream cakes, the main food is best for dog food, nutrition and health.

There was a time when some owners around were buying a kind of Netflix candy for their dogs: dog candy. After putting the dog candy on the wall, the dog instantly becomes a licking dog, licking like crazy. This Netflix can be said to be a hit at the time, the world is pushing. But some dogs began to diarrhea after licking the Netflix candy. As for why so many people were pushing at that time, because of the high profit ah! Well, the rest is not much to say, Netflix candy is best just not to buy for your dog, lest your own glass stomach dog tummy discomfort.

Can dogs eat sugar?

II. Be careful with candy that your dog can steal, one bite could be poisonous

Today we're talking about whether dogs can eat candy! After all, it's New Year's Eve, and the family will more or less prepare some candy for guests, but it's time to guard against the family dog thieves, lest it steals a bite or two. Give the dog to eat candy, it is harmful to it.

Dogs tend to get fat
Eating candy certainly will not make the dog immediately fat, but often eating food with high sugar content, will certainly be fat. All kinds of things with high sugar content, such as dumplings, ice cream, cakes, etc., in fact, the sugar content is not low, eating too much is certainly not good for the body. Puppies' gastrointestinal development is not yet perfect, so they will have diarrhea if they eat too much. The older dogs have degenerated and may have had high blood fats and high blood sugar, which can't withstand such a big torment. The owner of a dog that is too fat should not only give it up sugar but also reduce the daily snacks, otherwise so fed, it will become a pig before the New Year.

Bad for the dog's teeth
When you are young, your parents will tell you not to eat too much sugar, because eating too much is easy to tooth decay. Although the dog's teeth structure, is not easy to the cavity. However, sugar tends to stick to the teeth, and if you don't brush your teeth after eating sugar, you will easily have bad breath over time, and you will also easily grow plaque leading to periodontal disease.

Hair loss
When dogs eat too much salt, they will also shed a lot of hair and become bald. If you eat too much sugar, it is easy to burden your dog's stomach and intestines, and if you consume too much sugar, it can lead to endocrine disruption and hair loss.

Dogs can be poisoned
How can eating candy be poisonous? Some of the ingredients inside the candy may lead to dog poisoning. For example, chocolate, if it is very pure, can cause a toxic reaction in dogs consuming about 100 to 150 mg of theobromine per kg of body weight, leading to increased heart rate, arrhythmia, and potentially serious cardiovascular side effects. Some dogs are fine eating some chocolate, mainly because it is all cocoa butter substitute inside and not pure. If some candy contains chocolate, do not know whether the chocolate is pure or not, it must be put away, and then taken out when there are guests so that dogs do not steal food.

Another dog killer inside the sweets is xylitol. Xylitol compared to cane sugar and so on, in fact, is better for the human body, because the same situation only 60% of the calories of cane sugar, now many senior snacks, will use xylitol to replace cane sugar. But for dogs, the toxicity is not small, 5 kg of dogs as long as they eat into 5 grams of xylitol, there will be poisoning, serious will cause kidney failure death.

The family will be more lively in the New Year, but the owner should also keep an eye on the dog, do not let it steal food. More importantly, explain to your relatives not to feed your dog indiscriminately, after all, many of the vet hospitals are not open for the New Year, and you can only convalesce at home when you are sick.

Three, the dog's sense of taste is not well developed, but it is a full-on sweet tooth, sugar is good but don't crave it

The first thing is that the dog's sense of taste is certainly not as sensitive as their sense of hearing and smell. Although they look especially good when they eat, they can't taste the food itself, and what attracts them is the smell of the food.

But their taste buds are very sensitive to sweetness, that is, the dog is a full sweet party Oh, of which fructose and lactose is the dog's favorite. However, sugar can bring happiness but also bring trouble and body burden, sugar is good but do not greedy oh!

The body can not bear the weight
The most direct consequence of eating too many sweets is to lead to obesity, the body of the excess sugar can not be metabolized in time, it will be converted into fat accumulation in the body, over time will get obesity disease, for dogs, not only to increase the burden on the internal organs, but also cause skin problems, hair loss problems, obesity will also endanger bone health, especially large dogs.

Sweet to lose teeth
Children who eat too much sugar will have tooth decay, and dogs who consume too much sugar will also have oral diseases, tooth decay, dental calculus, stomatitis are common. The dog's dental health is a lot of people will ignore, over time, when found basically quite serious.

But dogs love to eat sweet ah, look at their mouth is really can not bear ah ~ veterinary Xiaoming can very understand the pooper scooper this mood, want to eat some sweet is also possible, give the dog to feed some natural, not too many additives sweet food is possible, such as yogurt, fruit (avoid grapes, mangoes such allergy-prone fruit) and some sweet vegetables, as long as the amount of control on the line.

Like ice cream, drinks, chocolate, pastries, these sweets are on the blacklist, not only the above two hazards, but also lead to gastrointestinal problems in dogs, and even threaten life safety, must pay attention to oh.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:359 Views
  • Release Date:2022-08-04 10:48:31
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