Can dogs eat cabbage? Benefits of eating cabbage


Can dogs eat cabbage

Puppies can eat it, adult dogs can eat it, and older dogs can eat it

Because cabbage contains sulfur and chlorine, it has a cleansing effect on your dog's gut and contains many nutrients such as vitamins, calcium and sodium. The leafy part of the cabbage has additional beta carotene.

Can dogs eat cabbage? Benefits of eating cabbage

Benefits of eating cabbage

1. Cabbage is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important nutrient for collagen and bone formation, so it can prevent joint and cartilage problems in dogs. It also has a role in anti-allergy and improving body composition.

2. Cabbage is rich in vitamin K, which promotes the activity of enzymes in the dog's body and is also involved in protein metabolism and the incorporation of calcium into the bones. If the dog's joints are injured, the doctor will generally recommend more intake of vitamin K.

Cabbage is rich in vitamin U, a vitamin also known as "gastrointestinal medicine", which can strengthen the dog's intestines and liver. It can effectively relieve constipation in dogs. They can improve appetite and regulate the body. In turn, promote the dog's immune system to strengthen.

4. Cabbage contains a certain amount of calcium inside, although not very high, but also can supplement part of it.

5. Cabbage is rich in dietary fiber, which can regulate your dog's stomach and intestines while being easy to digest.

Disadvantages of eating cabbage

Dogs with thyroid problems should not eat cabbage because it contains a substance called isothiocyanate, which competitively inhibits the activity of the sodium-iodine transporter (NIS) on the thyroid cells, thus affecting the normal functioning of the dog's thyroid. Of course, a healthy dog will not be affected.

How to eat cabbage
1. Raw: Raw is the easiest way to eat, but chop up the cabbage so that your dog can eat it more easily. In addition, do not feed your dog too much raw cabbage, just two or three leaves at a time, eat too much is easy to diarrhea.

2. Cooked into fresh food: steamed and mixed in the dog food, is one of the most favorable way, the dog also prefer to eat.

When feeding cabbage to your dog, do not choose the outermost leaves, and do not choose the most core part of cabbage, both of which are not conducive to dog digestion, and the core part of cabbage contains a nitrate, which may cause dog poisoning. To try to give it to choose the middle slightly crisp place, the taste is better, the dog also prefer to eat.

Do dogs need to cook their vegetables

Dogs eat vegetables to be cooked

1, the dog's stomach can store a lot of food, and secrete gastric juice to digest food, digestive juice is rich in high protein enzymes, lipase, but amylase content is very low, and there are almost no microorganisms that can break down cellulose; and vegetables contain a lot of crude fiber, so the dog's ability to digest vegetables is poor, not cooked may cause indigestion.
2, raw vegetables, even if washed with water, still can not avoid parasites, bacteria, etc., dogs eating raw vegetables may be infected with parasites, resulting in diarrhea, it is best to cooked after high temperature sterilization and then fed to dogs.

Do dogs need to eat vegetables cooked?
Dogs can eat which vegetables
1, cucumber, low-calorie, sugar and carbohydrates, is a better snack for dogs.
2, carrots, help clean teeth, and can supplement vitamin A, more help their own cell reproduction.
3, broccoli, rich in vitamins, calcium and fiber, feeding must be boiled and cut into small pieces.
4, spinach, containing antioxidants and iron needed by dogs to help the development of their bones.
5, cabbage, pumpkin, celery, cooked potatoes, green beans, bell peppers, etc. can be fed in moderation, provided that it must be cooked and broken down into small pieces to avoid choking the dog.

Give your dog these kinds of fruits and vegetables are good for your health

Dogs can eat vegetables to get a wealth of vitamins, so many pet owners will feed their dogs some vegetables and fruits from time to time to supplement nutrition. Give your dog to eat the following "fruits and vegetables", good for health!


1, apples

Apple's plant fiber content is relatively high, suitable for dogs to eat, and apple pectin is good for detoxification. But the apple core has some toxins in it, so it is best not to let the dog eat apple core.

2, oranges, oranges class

Oranges and oranges are fruits with high vitamin C content, to dogs to eat to help replenish energy and promote gastrointestinal digestion. But can not eat more, some dogs may have diarrhea.

3, grapefruit

Grapefruit has the effect of replenishing energy and promoting digestion, and the function of clearing fire, for constipated dogs, dogs already on fire is very suitable for consumption, but remember to feed in moderation.

4, cantaloupe

Cantaloupe melon contains many kinds of mineral nutrition, the content of vitamins alone, is not lower than other fruits, to the dog to eat is conducive to the normal functioning of the heart and liver, but also to strengthen the effect of digestion.

5, blueberries

Blueberries are rich in vitamins, anthocyanins and other substances, moderate feeding of blueberries to dogs is good for health, but do not feed too much, it is good.

When the dog has no appetite, eat some blueberries, or goat cheese and other snacks, have a role in improving appetite, the owner can choose to feed according to the situation.


1, carrots

In the vegetables fed to dogs, carrots are the most common, its nutritional value is also known, which is rich in carotene and vitamins B, C, D, E, K and nutrients, while the calorie content is not high, suitable for dogs.

2銆丼weet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are very good carbohydrates, providing fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, beta-carotene and manganese for dogs. Constipated dogs eat, and the role of intestinal laxative, but sweet potatoes can not eat more, after all, more starch is easy to gain weight.

3, broccoli

Feed your dog broccoli is best chopped into small pieces and then cooked, so it will be better digested. Broccoli can provide vitamins, calcium and fiber, but also to promote digestion.


The water content of the cucumber is super high, but also dogs love to eat vegetables. Cucumber contains potassium, cucumber seeds contain calcium although very little, but the dog teeth and bone growth is good. And weight loss period of the dog to eat cucumber, both full belly, but also not afraid to gain weight.

5, spinach and cabbage

Spinach is rich in iron, vitamin K, can promote the healthy growth of dog bones, while cabbage not only promotes digestion, but also improves skin quality and promotes healthy skin growth.

6, pumpkin

Pumpkin contains beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin K, these are quite good for the dog's digestive and urinary system, but also help dogs lose weight and relieve constipation, is very suitable for dogs to eat vegetables.

Often constipation, poor digestion of dogs, usually choose some high meat content, good absorption of dog food to feed.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:362 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-01 17:09:33
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