Why are my dog's eyes red?


Why are my dog's eyes red

First, exercise causes it. The redness of the dog's eyes may be caused by accelerated blood circulation after a lot of exercise. It is normal for this situation to cause the dog's eyes to become red, and it is best if the dog's body temperature can drop naturally after the eyes become red.

Second: fire caused by. The redness of the dog's eyes may be caused by too much fire excrement in the dog, as long as the dog eats some fruits and vegetables every day to reduce the fire until the dog's eyes can return to normal.

Third: the eyelid reversal caused. The redness of the dog's eyes may be caused by the inversion of the dog's eyelids, which can cause the dog's eyelashes to irritate the cornea and feel very uncomfortable, leading to the symptoms of redness and tears in the dog's eyes. It's time to trim the excess eyelashes to improve your dog's teary eye problem. Treatment of eyelid ectropion is usually surgical, also known as "double eyelid cutting", and electrocautery of part of the eyelash capsule, which can be an effective solution.

Fourth: Tear duct infections. Lacrimal gland infection is also one of the causes of red eyes, mainly because the lacrimal gland secretion of tears is infected, resulting in abnormal secretion of large amounts of tears, the nasal cavity and tear ducts secrete so late that they are unable to remove so many tears, thus leading to excessive secretion of red eyes in the dog's eyes. The most common form is medication control, which can take anywhere from five days to four weeks, depending on the severity of the condition.

Fifth: Viral infections cause this. Red eyes can be caused by bacterial, viral and parasitic infections, swelling, pain and itching of the eyes, which can cause the dog to paw at the eyes frequently and cause redness. For example, if the dog is in a mild condition, flush with saline three to five times a day and place anti-inflammatory eye drops. In severe cases, a visit to a professional veterinary hospital is recommended to avoid serious consequences.

Why are my dog's eyes red?


However, to know exactly why your dog's eyes are red, it is best to seek the help of a professional veterinarian and go through a proper diagnosis without delaying the treatment of your dog's disease. The best way to prevent redness in your dog's eyes is to pay attention to regular eye cleaning, otherwise it can cause chronic tearing and inflammatory swelling of the eyes, and may even affect your dog's eyesight.

There are many kinds of dog eye conditions. Among them, conjunctivitis is the most common.
1. Symptoms of conjunctivitis:
A The dog's eyes are watery and photophobic.
B The eyes are red, somewhat edematous, and painful.
C There is a lot of sticky stool.
D In a few severe cases, the swelling is obvious, the pain is increased, and yellowish-white pus may flow from the eyes, and even the upper and lower eyelids may stick together.
2. Causes of conjunctivitis:
a A foreign body enters the eye.
b Injury to the eye.
c Eyelash inversion.
d Eyelid entropion.
e Chemical poisoning. Lime dust, disinfectants, and some baths can become inflamed if accidentally introduced into the eye.
f Canine distemper and ocular filariasis can also cause morbidity.
3. A few suggestions for treating conjunctivitis:
If the dog is very sick, of course, he should still go to the hospital immediately. However, if there are only mild symptoms, it is possible to care for your dog at home.
A Wipe regularly: Wipe the discharge from the outside of your dog's eyes, not only to make it more comfortable, but also to speed up the recovery from the disease.
B Clear eye solution:In addition to wiping the eyes with water, you can also use ophthalmology-specific eye solution to remove the secretions. Pet hospitals or pharmacies that prescribe medication for people sell the same kind, as long as you read the instructions on the instructions can be used without worry.
C Compress: You can use a piece of slightly warm wet gauze to cover the eyes of a sick dog for five minutes. This will not only make the dog feel comfortable, but also achieve the effect of cleaning.
D Trim the hair:The hair around the eyes of some long-haired dogs can rub against the eyes and eventually lead to the possibility of conjunctivitis. Just trim these excess hairs to avoid the problem of eye irritation by hair.
E Chloramphenicol eye drops:A necessary medicine for the eyes to treat conjunctivitis and keratitis. Because it is inexpensive, it can also be used as a rinse to keep the eyes clean without suffering from eye diseases. It is especially important for breeds with large and bulging eyes such as the Pekingese and Pug.
F Erythromycin eye ointment: Similar to chloramphenicol eye drops, rubbing the ointment on the eye can make the medicine work longer.
A:When cleaning the eyes of a sick dog, use soft toilet paper or cotton balls with warm water and wipe gently along the area around the eyes.
B: Some dogs will not accept having their eyes covered at the same time when the dressing is applied. This requires the owner to hold them and apply the compress to each eye in turn for 5 minutes.
C:Conjunctivitis must be taken seriously. Try to deal with it early when the disease is not yet serious to avoid worsening of the disease situation or triggering a more serious keratitis.
D:Don't stick your head out of the window. This is for the car family, many dogs in the car when they like to stick their heads out of the window "cool" to see the scenery. This wind and sand can easily enter the eyes, will increase the chances of eye inflammation. So, it is better to roll up the car window a little. 4.
When to go to the doctor.
Conjunctivitis is not difficult to treat, but it is better to have eye problems diagnosed by a doctor so as not to delay treatment. Therefore, we recommend that once you find your dog's eyes are red, teary, have too much eye fluid, and are depressed, it is best to take him to the animal hospital for a checkup, after all, safety first.
Several other eye diseases.
There are many kinds of dog eye diseases, here are a few of the more common ones to introduce, in case your dog gets sick, will not be at a loss.
1. keratitis.
When the foreign body into the eyes, the dog will use the front legs or hind legs to rub the eyes, accidentally hurt the eyes, it may cause keratitis. It may also develop from a severe case of conjunctivitis.
Symptoms:When affected, dogs will close their eyes tightly and their corneas become white and cloudy, which is painful and may cause corneal ulcers that can affect vision.
Treatment: Similar to the care of conjunctivitis, eye medication can be used to relieve the dog's pain. But be sure to go to the hospital, the doctor will prescribe some antibiotic-type drugs to help treat.
2. Corneal ulcer.
Caused by trauma, entropion, keratitis, the injury continues deep into the cornea that covers the surface of the eye.
Symptoms:The appearance of pus-like eye dirt and profuse tearing. The pain can cause eyelid spasms and the eye cannot be fully opened.
Treatment: Mild symptoms can be treated with medication, but sometimes surgical treatment is required. If not treated promptly, it may also cause blindness.
3. Cataract.
This is a disease in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, causing vision loss. It is mostly caused by aging, diabetes, eye trauma, and other eye diseases.
Symptoms:Like human cataracts, a white film will appear over the eye, leading to blindness in severe cases.
Treatment:Some eye medications can be used to inhibit the progression of the condition. Be careful because once the lens of the eye is cloudy, it is very difficult to restore it to its original state. Alternatively, surgery can be done.
3. Entropion of the eyelid.
Congenital inward rolling of the eyelid margin or eyelashes that irritates the cornea. Dogs with convex eyeballs such as Kyobas are most likely to have this problem.
Symptoms:Constant blinking, bloodshot whites of the eyes, eye wax, and increased amount of tears. In addition, it can lead to corneal disease and cloudy eyes. If you notice any of these symptoms, please go to the hospital as soon as possible.
Treatment:Most cases can be treated with surgery. Mild entropion will sometimes heal on its own as the dog grows older.

  • Category:Dogs Diseases
  • Views:394 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-01 17:31:40
  • Link to this article:https://en.petzuo.com/Dogs-Diseases/Why-are-my-dogs-eyes-red
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