How can you tell if your dog has a fever? Causes of fever in dogs


Generally speaking, the normal body temperature of a dog is 38.5 to 39.5 degrees Celsius, which is slightly higher than the human body temperature. When a dog's body temperature is higher than 39.5 degrees Celsius, we think the dog has a fever. It is especially useful for owners to know when their dog has a fever, and what they can do for their dog when it does, especially in the summer.

I. Causes of fever in dogs

A variety of diseases and conditions can cause your dog to have a fever. These include.
Infection. This can have many causes, including bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. Infections can be in any part of the body, such as the lungs (pneumonia), kidneys (nephritis), brain (encephalitis), or even skin infections. The symptoms you see will depend on the focus of the infection and the underlying cause. Some infections, such as fungal infections, can affect several parts of the body at the same time.
Vaccination. A low-grade fever 24 to 48 hours after vaccination is not uncommon and is caused by the interaction between the vaccine and the dog's immune system.
Toxins. Consumption of substances that are toxic to dogs can cause an increase in body temperature when a dog eats the wrong things.
Once you feel the dog's body temperature is higher than that of a human, is the dog feverish? Understanding the 3 main symptoms of fever in dogs
Dog owners need to be able to recognize when their dog may be running a fever so that they can see their vet promptly.

1, dog fever has many causes
Daily, the causes of a dog fever can be varied.
For example, when a dog is scratched or cut, a dog ear infection, a dog urinary tract infection, and a dog tooth abscess, the dog's body will think about fighting the infection, and then the dog's body temperature will rise and fever may occur. When a dog has an organ infection, such as a kidney or lung infection from a persistent bacteria or virus, it can also lead to a fever. If a dog is careless and ingests harmful substances, such as roadside poisonous plants, preservatives, and foods that are harmful to dogs, it can also lead to a fever. There is also a situation in which the dog after vaccination because the body overreacts, which can also lead to fever.

2, the symptoms of dog fever
When the dog has a fever, the dog's body is in a feverish state, and it will also show some symptoms.
Dogs become tired: the body is fighting the infection of the animal will be very tired. All the energy that their body has stored is used to fight the disease. Because of the high energy consumption, they become weak and tired.
Dogs become anorexic: A fever can create an overall sense of illness in dogs, making the animal fell ill and can suppress the animal's appetite, causing the dog to not want to eat for possibly days.
Dogs with elevated body temperature: If your dog is hot to the touch, especially if the abdomen and ears are hot, it is important to examine it further.

3, check the dog's body temperature
As mentioned above, the normal body temperature of a dog is 38.5 to 39.5 degrees Celsius, and if the dog is above this temperature, we consider it to be feverish. Check whether the dog has a fever, you can first feel the dog's nose, if the dog's nose is moist, the dog is generally fine. If the dog's nose is hot and dry, generally the dog is feverish. If you want to further determine, a more accurate method is to use a special thermometer for dogs, insert the thermometer into the dog's rectum until the mercury ball of the thermometer stabilizes before stopping to see the readings, to determine whether the dog is feeling ill.

4, the dog fever can first help the dog cool down
When the dog is found to have a fever, we can do something to make the dog cool down? The first thing you can do is to cover your dog's paws with a wet towel around them. Then, you can try to get your dog to drink some water and observe your dog's condition. To make sure your dog is well hydrated, you can give him some ice cubes near him to help cool him down when he refuses to drink. If the dog's condition does not improve, it is recommended to take the dog to the veterinarian promptly.

5, enhance the dog's immune system
Daily, if we can help our dogs boost their immunity, we will also reduce the chances of fever in dogs. One is to improve the dog's diet, avoid overeating, also avoid the dog from eating too fast, and try to give the dog a balanced diet of nutrition. The other is to take your dog to exercise more often. Daily exercise not only expends your dog's excess energy but also effectively improves your dog's overall mental state and makes him healthier!

How can you tell if your dog has a fever? Causes of fever in dogs

II. Symptoms when your dog has a fever

1. Lethargy
Animals whose bodies are actively fighting infection feel tired. All of their reserve energy is allocated to the immune system. Their bodies are using up energy and resources to fight, so they often don't want to do anything, become lethargic, and also find a cool place to rest. If you think your dog is lethargic, especially if he has any specific signs of illness such as vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, or a runny nose, he may have a fever and needs to see his vet.

Some people think it refers to the human disease, anorexia nervosa, but in fact, "anorexia" is a medical term that refers to a patient who does not eat for various reasons, and is not the same as anorexia. A fever can certainly produce a feeling of discomfort and a feeling of appetite suppression. But it is not normal for a dog to not eat food at all for several days. Sometimes, a meal not eaten is not a concern, but a long time to eat not interested in the dog should go to the vet.

3, the dog touched "very hot" is not necessarily a fever
Many owners will touch the dog's body and think that the dog feels feverish because it feels a little warmer than their body temperature. However, the body temperature of dogs is already higher than that of humans, ranging from 38锞烠 to 39.5锞烠, so they are often mistaken for having a fever, but in fact, this is the normal body temperature of dogs. The body temperature of a sick dog can be measured with a human thermometer used rectally. The thermometer can only be inserted into the rectum up to the end of the silver bulb. When the body temperature exceeds 40.5锞烠, the dog already has a high fever.
Once you touch the dog's body temperature is higher than that of a human, is the dog feverish? Understanding the 3 main symptoms of fever in dogs
Of course, it is several times harder to use a thermometer for a dog than for a child. It is recommended that the owner can touch the dog's ears and stomach more often to feel its normal body temperature. This way when a dog has a fever, it can detect fever symptoms early without relying on a thermometer. When a dog has a high fever, the most important thing is to keep it quiet before sending it to the doctor for treatment and to keep it warm if the dog develops a chill.

Three: What should I do if my dog has a fever?

1. Hydrate your dog
When a dog has a fever, it will be listless, and if it doesn't eat or drink, it is easy to get dehydrated, so it is important to hurry up and give the dog some water, generally, dogs refuse to drink water, and it is recommended that pet owners can fill some water with a syringe.
But pay attention, if the dog has vomiting, do not feed it water, so that it does not choke after vomiting.

2, give the dog good warmth work
Dogs usually like to sleep on the ground, or not pay attention to the cold at night, it is easy to catch a cold, or fever, so pet owners usually give the dog good warmth work is very important Oh.
Also pay attention not to let the dog sleep in the vent, in the place where the dog sleeps on the dog pad sleep will not be so easy to catch a cold fever.

3, spend more time with your dog
I believe that with the owner's company, the dog's mood will be better, the owner can help the dog comb hair, with the dog's toys, and play with the dog, the dog is in a good mood, and will soon be able to lift the spirit.
If the dog is sick and the owner ignores it, the dog's self-healing ability will be poor.

4, to feed the dog some probiotics
If the dog is caused by poor gastrointestinal fever, the owner should pay attention to the dog's diet, if the dog has diarrhea, or vomiting, you can feed the dog some probiotics to regulate the dog's gastrointestinally, and improve the dog's resistance.
Probiotics can be fed directly, and can also be mixed into the dog food feed.

5, promptly seek medical attention
If the dog fever is not in good spirits, it is necessary to take the dog to see a doctor, follow the medical advice to feed the medicine, and do not privately give drugs to the dog to eat Oh, or it will harm the dog.
  • Category:Dogs Diseases
  • Views:306 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:46:10
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