What human food can cats eat? Food that is good for cats?


Raising cats every day to prevent cats from stealing food, because if a cat accidentally eats the wrong thing, the cat's life may be so gone, so the pooper scooper generally dare not easily feed food to cats, today I will give you the pooper scooper popularization, in addition to cat food, cats can eat human food, it is not too late to know.

Rich in water, dietary fiber, and vitamins can supplement nutrition.
Note: Cooked and eaten

2, tomatoes
Rich in anthocyanins, help antioxidant.

Contains chlorogenic acid to help improve resistance, and is rich in vitamins.
Note: Cooked and eaten

Rich in fat, carotenoids, multivitamins, and helpful for eyesight.
Note: Cooked and eaten

5, pumpkin
Contains calcium, folic acid, and other trace elements to promote intestinal digestion.
Note GI food, and diabetes is prohibited

6, sweet potatoes
Rich in dietary fiber, promote gastrointestinal motility and prevent constipation.
Note: not suitable for young cats, cooked and eaten

Rich in fiber, enhance intestinal peristalsis and help to discharge the hairball.

Rich in vitamins and trace elements.
Note: Eat cooked corn paste

Rich in fiber, vitamin C, can improve resistance.
Note: small amount of consumption

Rich in trace elements, and vitamins, to supplement nutrition.
Note: a small amount of consumption

It is effective in reducing the heat, lowering the heat, and promoting digestion.
Note: a small amount of consumption.

Rich in enzymes and multivitamins, can supplement nutrition.
Note: need to remove the seeds, a small amount of consumption

Rich in vitamins and trace elements, supplementing nutrition and enhancing bowel movement.

Rich in antioxidants, good for cats.
Note: can be consumed in small amounts

Contains a lot of water, replenishes water, and helps reduce the fire.
Note: need to remove seeds, a small amount of consumption

Rich in vitamins, and minerals, with an anti-acidification effect.

Apple skin is rich in phytonutrients, and the pulp is rich in calcium, pectin, and vitamins.
Note: Forbidden to eat an apple core

Rich in crude fiber, enhance intestinal peristalsis.
Note: consume in small amounts

Other foods
Rich in beneficial nutrients, it also enhances intestinal peristalsis and promotes digestion and absorption.
Note: Consume room temperature and in small amounts

2銆丆ooked egg yolk
Rich in protein, lecithin, and vitamins, with beautiful hair and skin care, to help the cat's brain development.
Note: Feeding 2~3 a week is enough

3銆丯o salt cheese
Contains a lot of protein, lactic acid bacteria, and other nutrients to supplement the nutrition required by the cat's body.

Rich in protein and amino acids to help develop and improve immunity.

Rich in protein, trace elements, and low-fat content, can enhance immunity.

3銆丱strich meat
High protein, low fat, low cholesterol, low calorie, rich in nutritional value.

4銆丏uck meat
Rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins, and other nutrients to help growth and development.

High protein and low cholesterol, good for cats.

High protein and low fat, good for cats.

Contains Omega-3, can be beautiful for hair and skin care, good for the heart and immune system.

Rich in more minerals, iron, nutritious and help growth.
Note: Cooked and eaten, raw food is prone to parasite infection

9銆丆hicken breast
Rich in protein, high nutritional value, and easy to absorb.
Note: Cooked and eaten, remember to remove the bone

What human food can cats eat? Food that is good for cats?

I. Foods that are good for cats

Prawns: Prawns are a portion of human food that cats can eat, and many cats are particularly fond of them.
And prawns are rich in protein, selenium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, choline, vitamin B12, and other trace elements, which is very nutritious and an unbeatable tonic for cats.
But the prawns fed to cats must be cooked with water, and fed 2-3 times a week can be, as long as the right feed, the cat will eat more healthy Oh!

White rice: Many pet owners may have fed their cats white rice, which is one of the human foods that cats can eat.
The benefits of white rice for cats are many because white rice contains a variety of amino acids and vitamin B, can regulate metabolism, play a calming and tranquilizing, and this is also a source of energy.
However, white rice is a staple food, and the taste is soft, should not eat more, occasionally feed it a small rice ball can be.

Carrots: Carrots are also a very healthy and nutritious ingredient for cats.
Carrots are also known as "little ginseng" and are rich in carotenoids, which can be converted into vitamin A for cats to help their eyesight and prevent other eye diseases. The lignans in carrots can strengthen your cat's immune system, which is good for your body.
Feeding carrots to cats is best to grind and cook before feeding, otherwise, cats can not absorb them.

Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes, also known as sweet potatoes, are not only delicious to cats but also particularly good nutrition.
Sweet potatoes contain a variety of vitamins and trace elements, not only to supplement a variety of nutrients but also to promote the cat's gastrointestinal motility, to help digestion, and absorption.
However, the sugar content of sweet potatoes is relatively high, cats can not absorb so much, and the remaining part of the stay in the intestine is easy to ferment, making abdominal discomfort, so be sure to feed in moderation.

Egg yolk: Egg yolk is also one of the human foods that cats can eat, and it is also an unavailable tonic.
Egg yolks are rich in fat, minerals, protein, etc. Not only can they help supplement your cat's nutrition, but lecithin also has a hairdressing effect. Cats eat egg yolks, not only the healthier they eat, the more beautiful their hair will be!
However, the egg yolk fed to cats must be cooked, and not fed 2-to 3 cans.

Chicken breast: in fact, chicken breast is also very good for cats.
Chicken breast is high in protein and low in fat and is a major source of protein, which is important for forming muscle and producing hormones and enzymes. Regular consumption of chicken breast by cats allows them to grow stronger and also promotes the absorption of calcium and strengthens resistance.

II. Foods that cats cannot eat from humans

Onions are a very beneficial vegetable for us humans, but they should not be given to cats casually. Because the disulfide in onions can severely damage the red blood cells of cats, even a small amount of onions can lead to hematuria, rapid heartbeat, lower body temperature, and in severe cases, death.
So never feed onions to your cat, your good intentions may harm your cat.

Dried fish
In the winter, many rural areas are still drying bacon, fish, and other meat products. Because cats love to eat fish, so many pet owners will be drying dried fish to feed the cat, but this is also very harmful to cats.
Because the dried fish before drying, to avoid stink, will use a lot of salt, and white wine pickle, which are difficult for cats to detoxify, these two things can make cat poisoning, you have cats, and you must know.

Grapes contain a lot of vitamins, are nutritious and healthy, and delicious, but cats are also not allowed to eat them. Grapes contain unknown toxins, even in small amounts, which can lead to repeated vomiting and eventual kidney failure in cats.
Some people may say that their cats have eaten grapes without any symptoms, but this is, after all, a minority of cases, and it is not possible to avoid whether there is a potential danger. For the health and safety of your cat, it is best not to feed grapes to your cat casually.

Fatty meat
Fatty meat contains a lot of fat and is also not suitable for feeding cats. If a cat consumes too much fat, it will easily cause more eye secretions, indigestion and vomiting, and diarrhea.
And if cats eat fatty meat for a long time, they are also prone to become obese, leading to high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high blood pressure, pancreatitis, heart disease, etc., which is very harmful to the cat's body.
If you want to feed meat to your cat, you can feed it chicken breast, which is high in protein and low in fat, nutritious and healthy.
  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:298 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:53:54
  • Link to this article:https://en.petzuo.com/Cats-feeding/What-human-food-can-cats-eat-Food-that-is-good-for-cats
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