How to trim the cat's claws? Does the hair on the cat's feet need to be shaved


How to trim a cat's claws

Cats are born with a set of sharp claws, so what exactly is the function of cat claws?

1銆乄alking and cushioning when catching prey. The bottom of the cat's toes have fatty flesh pads, so they walk silently and do not scare the mouse when catching it.

2銆丟ood for catching prey. The end of the toe has sharp nails, and the claws can be retracted and extended to quickly catch mice.

3, the cat at rest and walking claws retracted, only when the mouse and climbing out, to prevent nails are blunt.

How to trim the cat's claws? Does the hair on the cat's feet need to be shaved

But after a long time with humans, cats are slowly outgrowing their need to hunt. Their sharp claws are often the "weapon of choice" for destruction. People who have cats should have had the experience of having their sofas and curtains scratched, or even injured by the sharp claws of cats.

So we need to regularly help cats cut their sharp nails so that they can not continue to be a monster. Although we are all aware of the need to help cats cut their nails, but there are still many pooper scoopers do not know how to help cats cut their nails, some directly cut the nails of cats until they bleed, think of the pain ah.

Today to teach you how to easily help cats cut nails this method

1, the cat comfortable position in helping cats cut nails before, first choose a comfortable place, put it on the legs, give it a comfortable and stable position without moving.

Note: During the trimming process, you can occasionally touch your cat's abdomen to keep it relaxed.

2銆丄ppropriate tools for trimming

Commercial cat nail clippers are designed to cut your cat's nails at the right angle without the risk of splitting or breaking. These nail clippers are designed to look like scissors or ring guillotines.

3. Trim carefully and slowly

First touch your cat's limbs and paws to make it relax, then push out the claws to trim the nails, usually the trimmed part is not very long, only a little bit of the front transparent part needs to be cut off, do not cut to the back part, which is full of blood vessels.

4, do not do claw surgery

Some owners take their cats for declawing surgery in order to get it done once and for all, to know that this is to take out the nails of the cat by the roots, in fact, this is very cruel and inhumane behavior, hope that you love cats do not do so.

5, a small number of times the principle

There are too many cases where the owner cut too deep at one time, causing the cat to bleed and get injured, making it more difficult to carry out the nail cutting project in the future, and doing some trimming every time, frequently, also makes the cat feel that sparingly is the best state.

Does the hair on the cat's feet need to be shaved

The hair on the cat's meat pad seam needs to be trimmed. Because cat foot hair, in fact, refers to the hair that grows between the cat's foot pads and toes. You can often see photos of cats' pink little feet on the Internet, and when you look at your own cat's little feet, the long foot hair really destroys the beauty, and it is only at times like this that I pick up the scissors and carefully trim the foot hair neatly and cleanly for my cat. To be honest, I'm kind of a lazy parent because it's good for cats to have their feet trimmed regularly.
One, the cat's body is no sweat glands, the cat's sweat glands grow on the cat's foot pads, every summer when the day is very hot, careful parents will find that the cat's foot pads will be damp, in fact, this is the cat in sweat. The regular trimming of the cat's feet can help to dissipate heat and sweat and prevent heatstroke.
Second, if the home is a wooden or tile floor, such as slippery floors, more need to regularly trim the foot hair, because the cat foot pad has a non-slip role, if the foot hair is too long, the cat in the running process is easy to slip or sprain, but also may be too late to "brake" when the cat running into the wall or furniture, resulting in concussion. The cat may not be able to "brake" and hit the wall or furniture, resulting in concussion.
Third, if the cat is lazy or fat, it is not convenient to lick the hair and often neglects to clean its feet, and if the parents cannot trim the foot hair regularly, the long foot hair can easily hide dirt and become a good place for bacteria to breed, resulting in inflammation of the cat's toes and nails, and in serious cases will develop into "gray nails" or If serious, it may develop into "gray nail" or nail fungus, making the cat difficult to move or even limp. 4. Regularly trim the cat's feet so that it is not easy to bring out the cat litter from the litter box and maintain the hygiene of the home environment.
V. The cat's foot hair is easily covered with bacteria or parasitic eggs during the cat's walk (if there are cockroaches at home it is easy to get parasitic eggs), and the cat will lick the bacteria and parasitic eggs into its stomach when cleaning its paws, which is detrimental to the cat's health. So if in the season of bacteria breeding is recommended to cut the foot hair, and also pay attention to clean. The cat's paws are not protected by the pinch of foot hair, and the cat's landing to slow down gravity has nothing to do with that small pinch of foot hair. As long as the hair scissors and the meat pad flush on it, do not cut too much, their own home with a baby kind of small round-headed scissors. It's best to take it to a pet store and have someone help your cat cut it, it's safer.

How to trim cat claws without scratching

The claws of cats are much sharper than those of dogs. They can grab the couch, the curtains, and even the wallpaper on the wall, so there's nothing they can't suck up.

Compared to human nails, cat claws are much more powerful and play a key role in climbing trees, hunting, and jumping. It can be said that the cat's claws are the basic guarantee of survival, it is freely retractable, but also sharp and tough, the cat hunting defense weapons, but also the action of play tools.

Cat claws are constantly growing, so cats have a natural tendency to sharpen their claws. They will choose wooden posts, tree trunks, chairs, carpets, door corners or cat scratching boards to make the aging claw tips fall off, so that the new claw tips are sharper, and become a magic tool for friction and shock absorption in jumping and climbing.

However, for family pets of cats, too sharp claws, inevitably scratch the owner needs to regularly trim the claw tips. Many novice pooper scoopers do not dare to cut their own nails, for fear of being scratched by the cat resistance, the second is worried about cutting the wrong harm cat injury infection. Today, meow small to popularize the method of cutting nails.

First of all, fixed cats.

Some cats are not so reluctant to cut nails, directly in the arms can be, if you encounter a very difficult master, you can cooperate with the family, or the cat with a large bath towel fixed.

Step 2: Choose nail clippers.

Note that human nails and cat claws claws shape is different, human nails are flat, while the cat's nails are fine round, the best choice of rounded nail clippers for cats.

Step 3: Open the cut

When cutting nails, gently pinch the cat's paws and its nails will stick out. If the nail is cut to the bloody line, the cat will be very painful so that it will be difficult to get (trick) the cat to cut its nails again in the future. If you accidentally cut bleeding, disinfect and stop the bleeding, and if the wound is too large, please take it to the vet in time to see a doctor.

Tip: When cutting nails, be fast, accurate and hard, don't care too much about the length, just cut off the sharp part. The angle of nail clipping should be mastered, otherwise it will easily lead to splitting of the clipped nails.

General nail cutting is to cut all four feet, of course, if the cat's hind feet nails are very rounded by itself, not to cut is also possible. Nail cutting can be combined with food temptation, one person cutting nails, the other feeding snacks nutritional cream to attract its attention.

When the cat is very special and extremely reluctant to cut nails, please do not force it, let it go and wait for it to calm down or cut the remaining nails after a few days. You can squeeze her feet when you play with her, so she can get used to this action and know that squeezing her feet is harmless.

Don't forget to soothe your pet after clipping his nails. Pet him or give him a tin of canned food as a reward to let him know that cutting his nails is a good thing and that he will get a tin of food.

Of course, if you are still afraid of being scratched, you can choose to be fully armed yourself. Some people also say you can put a clip on the back of the cat's neck to simulate the feeling of a mother cat holding a kitten in her mouth, so that the cat does not move.
  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:328 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-01 17:30:06
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