Can cats eat yogurt? Common benefits of probiotics


I. Can cats eat yogurt?

What are the benefits of giving your cat yogurt?
Most cat owners are always in a dilemma about choosing the right diet and amount for their cats. Yogurt is one of the healthiest snacks recommended for people, and many health experts recommend it for its natural nutrients, such as calcium and magnesium.

However, is yogurt appropriate if given to a furry son's diet? Are there health benefits?

Can cats drink yogurt? What can I do to benefit my cat's health in general? How to choose yogurt
First, let's understand the main ingredients in the yogurt and whether the ingredients are suitable
For experienced cat owners, it is often a daunting task to find a healthy balance of all the essential nutrients in cat food. Most hands-on cat owners do extensive research on the proper diet for their cats; this helps to stumble upon the negative effects of dairy products.

Dairy products are a threat to cats primarily because:
First, cats do not have the enzymes in their bodies that can digest lactose.
Secondly, adult cats cannot digest milk because they lack the proper digestive properties to tolerate lactose.
Although yogurt is a dairy product made from cow's milk, it contains unique products and characteristics that are rich in natural bacteria and active samples of yogurt cultures. Plain yogurt is safe for cats' health because its fermented lactose is digestible for cats as it does not stress the digestive system.

Can cats drink yogurt? What can I do to benefit my cat's health in general? How to pick yogurt
Can cats eat flavored yogurt?

Flavored yogurt is bad for cats because it contains sugar. The cat's body does not contain amylase that can digest and break down sugar. The cat's digestive system will be overloaded.

Therefore, knowing the different flavors of yogurt and the body composition of cats helps answer the inevitable question: Can cats eat yogurt? Yes, cats can eat yogurt, as long as it is plain and unsweetened.

But it is important to know that some cats may be allergic to yogurt, especially for the first time. Therefore, it is important to give them a small amount to test their reaction. Flavored yogurt contains many sugars and additives that can cause diarrhea and vomiting in cats, eventually leading to dehydration.

Essential nutrients are contained in yogurt.

Magnesium, helps the cat's body absorb nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, vitamin c, sodium, and calcium.
Calcium, yogurt is rich in calcium nutrients that help strengthen bones and muscles.
Potassium, regular yogurt contains potassium, a strong electrolyte that is essential for the maintenance and control of body fluids. Potassium also helps control the activity of enzymes and strengthens the body's nerves and muscles.

Benefits of feeding yogurt to cats
Most veterinarians conclude that giving cats plain and unsweetened yogurt is appropriate for their health because it contains all the essential and natural nutrients. Yogurt is rich in active and reactive bacteria, which have valuable nutrients.

Calcium, plain and unsweetened yogurt is rich in calcium, which strengthens the bones and muscles of cats.

Oral health, the probiotics contained in yogurt help keep kittens' teeth whiter and healthier, and also help prevent gum disease by maintaining a balanced flora in the cat's mouth.

Beneficial for overweight cats, yogurt is known for containing nutrients that fill the human stomach and when fed to cats, help to make the human appetite bigger and more satisfied.

Relieves cat allergies, plain yogurt is rich in natural probiotics that help cats fight allergies.

Helps synthesize B vitamins

Probiotics in yogurt
Plain yogurt is a rich and powerful source of probiotics, which are beneficial to a cat's stomach health, especially if the cat suffers from diarrhea. It is recommended to give your cat about 5 ml of yogurt about 10-15 minutes before the main meal, as this helps the stomach function. Probiotics include Lactobacillus acidophilus and other species of Lactobacillus, certain strains of Bacillus, Enterococcus, Bifidobacterium, and Streptococcus.

Can cats eat yogurt? Common benefits of probiotics

II. Common benefits of probiotics

Digestive health
When people think of probiotics, they usually immediately think of digestion and digestive health as a whole. Probiotics can increase the level of natural bacteria in your cat's body and help rebalance the levels of "good" and "bad" bacteria.
In addition, probiotics can help with other digestive issues such as diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, flatulence, and appetite changes. It helps regulate every part of the digestive system, which helps keep your cat at a good weight.

Cardiovascular System
Those cats with heart and cardiovascular system problems, usually eat a low-fat diet. In addition to this diet, adding probiotics is a great way to lower your cat's LDL cholesterol.
When LDL cholesterol levels begin to drop, this can help further reduce the stress on your cat's cardiovascular system. In turn, your cat can begin to experience fewer heart problems and they may have a better quality of life.

Immune System
Your cat's immune system is its first line of defense against infection and bacteria, and it can only function at its peak if all of your cat's other systems are healthy. As probiotics begin to balance the level of bacteria in your cat's body, your immune system can focus on healing any infections your cat may have.

Weight loss
Probiotics can help your cat lose weight by helping to block the absorption of extra fat cells. They also help convert all the nutrients in the food your cat eats into energy, which can help your cat stand up and exercise more to lose further weight.

In addition, yogurt contains active nutrients that help prevent vomiting.

How to provide yogurt in your cat's diet
Cats are widely considered to be carnivores, meaning that they need and get all the necessary nutrients from meat. Therefore, it is not necessary to rely on dairy products to survive but simply as a supplement to the diet.
The cat diet plan depends on the age and type of food, and the provision of yogurt should only be supplemental, either before a hearty meal to whet the appetite or between meals depending on the diet.

Amount of yogurt.
Cats with no appetite can be fed a teaspoon of yogurt per day. This is quite beneficial and benefits the cat's immune system as well as increases the cat's appetite.
Cats being treated for infection should consume a tablespoon of yogurt along with antibiotics because antibiotics can kill both beneficial and harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, while yogurt allows beneficial essential bacteria to re-enter the cat's intestinal tract.
It can relieve gastrointestinal tract functions such as gastrointestinal distress or diarrhea, and cats can be given at least one teaspoon of food before their main meal. Yogurt can restrain the cat's stomach and relieve nausea and stomach discomfort.
Be careful when feeding yogurt to your cat. If your cat shows any signs of vomiting and diarrhea, do not continue feeding yogurt to your cat as it may be allergic to it.

Since probiotics are good for your cat's health. When you are shopping, you need to consider these factors.
Live or dead strains
Probiotics, including live and dead yeasts and bacteria. Ideally, the probiotic of choice should contain live bacteria, as this helps balance the live bacteria in your cat's digestive tract.

Bacteria and yeast purity
Many probiotic supplements contain many additives that can alter the effectiveness of the probiotic for your cat. You want to find a supplement that has as few additives as possible, which may require you to do a little searching on your own, as there are too many of them.

Artificial ingredients
If your cat is sensitive to artificial ingredients, they can cause indigestion. A probiotic supplement for your cat should be formulated without artificial colors, artificial flavors, or preservatives.
  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:353 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-07 17:56:09
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