Can cats eat corn? Tips for raising cats


Can cats eat corn?

Cats can eat corn. Corn is a natural food and is not harmful to cats. Although cats are pure carnivores, they also need a moderate amount of crude fiber to lower triglycerides in the body, promote bowel movement and help with bowel movements.

For cats, corn does not absorb much nutrition. For cats, corn is not as rich in nutritional value as it is for humans. So you can give your cat a proper taste of corn, but mainly give your cat something that is good for it, such as a nutritious cat food, etc.

After all, cats, like humans, have to eat scientifically based nutrition to have a healthy body. Many cats like to try things other than cat food. When a cat shows interest in corn, don't be too wary. If he is willing, let him eat it. A small amount of experimentation is not bad for your cat.

The main component of corn is starch, and feeding it appropriately can serve to quench cravings. However, corn kernels are difficult to digest. If too much is consumed, it is likely to cause indigestion in cats. If you want to feed corn kernels, you can mash it up and mix it with cat food to achieve a balanced nutrition.
Cats can eat corn, but you should never give them too much corn. First of all, corn is very difficult for cats to digest, and ingesting too much corn can easily cause a state of indigestion in cats and make their stomachs and intestines uncomfortable. Severe cases may cause acute gastroenteritis in cats, and cats will have symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea and poor mental appetite. If the cat is in this condition, it should be taken to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment in a timely manner. Secondly, for young cats under one year old, it is not recommended to give it corn because its gastrointestinal tract is more sensitive and fragile. Cats are curious about many things and can easily try new things, but it is still important to be careful not to let your cat eat too much of it.

Can cats eat corn? Tips for raising cats

Tips for raising cats
銆€銆€1 Comfortable cat litter
銆€銆€1. Most cats sleep best in covered house-shaped litters and roofless basin-shaped litters.
銆€銆€2. The cat litter should be placed in a dry, secluded place that does not introduce attention and is exposed to sunlight.
銆€銆€2 Cat tableware
銆€銆€Cat tableware includes a food bowl and water bowl, the material should be solid, the bottom of the bowl should be heavy, the edge should be thick, and it is best to choose the tableware that can be used by cats for life. Because some cats have no appetite after changing the food bowl.
銆€銆€3 Cat litter box
銆€銆€Cat litter box is also called cat litter box, to give the cat cat urine and defecation basin. It is best to use plastic, enamelware made of cat litter box, so that it is convenient and good cleaning, but also not easy to rust and break.
銆€銆€4 Cat toys
銆€銆€Cats like toys, especially rubber balls, paper balls, balls of string or balloons and other round things, you can also hang some floating ribbons, strips of paper and cloth, etc.
銆€銆€The skin of cats is different from the pH of human skin, so you should prepare a special pet bath. Cats need to sharpen their nails every day, so prepare a special cat scratching board to reduce the chance of scratching the sofa. Kittens can still use human nail clippers to cut their nails when they are three or four months old, but when they get older they must buy a special nail clipper for pets. Long-haired cats must be equipped with a comb, human combs are unable to untangle the bottom hair of the cat. Prepare an airline box, it is easier to carry when you need to take it to the hospital or move.

15 kinds of food that cats cannot eat

1. Milk

Cats have a weak stomach, many cats are lactose intolerant, drinking milk can easily cause vomiting and diarrhea, some pooper scoopers say, my cat drank no problem ah! But for the sake of the cat's health, or do not easily feed, feed more inevitably one day there will be problems.

Cats can not drink milk, you can give it to drink goat milk powder, the same can supplement nutrition, no added yogurt can also be given to the cat to drink, but also to promote digestion of the intestines.

2銆丄lcoholic beverages

Ethanol is a component of alcoholic beverages. If consumed in excess, it can cause poisoning in cats, destroying their brain cells and body cells, causing vomiting, dysentery, breathing difficulties and abnormalities in the nervous system.


Coffee also contains theobromine and caffeine, which, like chocolate, can cause poisoning and cannot be touched by cats.



Some pooper scoopers say, my cat ate a grape how fine. I would like to say here, do not hold a fluke, whether it is raisins or grape skins, all food related to grapes can not be given to the cat to eat, cats eat will cause acute kidney failure, it is difficult to rescue back! For the sake of the cat's life, please do not joke around.

5, avocado

Avocado contains a chemical toxin called "Persin", which is very harmful to cats. Will lead to digestive problems, breathing difficulties, high fever, a large number of cats can be fatal.

However, the avocado component of cat food sold on the market is edible, because it eliminates harmful substances and extracts only the beneficial components of avocado, can be safely consumed.

6, persimmons

Cats can not eat persimmons, persimmons can lead to intestinal obstruction or enteritis in cats.

7, peaches, plums, cherries, apricots

The seeds of these fruits contain cyanide, which can lead to vomiting, breathing difficulties, and even intestinal obstruction in cats.


Food category
8, nuts

All nuts are not recommended for cats to eat, because they are rich in cyanide, cats eat will cause poisoning.

And like some nuts inside the core, the cat ate, it is likely to be stuck to the throat, once choked, the cat will die of suffocation.

9, chocolate and other foods containing theobromine

Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, these two compounds can cause convulsions in cats, causing acute poisoning, poisoning can seriously endanger the digestive tract, nerves and heart of cats, resulting in death.

The average toxic dose of the cocaine is 300 mg/kg body weight, so a quantity of 50 grams of chocolate is completely fatal to a cat.

10, onions, leeks, shallots and other green onions

Onion vegetables contain ingredients that destroy the red blood cells of cats, which can cause hemolytic anemia and in the most serious cases can cause death in cats. So any food with onions can not be given to cats, not at all!

11, canned tuna for human consumption

Many people think that cats love fish, so they give them canned tuna for human consumption, but consuming large amounts of canned tuna can cause malnutrition in cats because it lacks the vitamins and minerals that cats need.

12. Finely ground bones

Cats cannot eat fish bones, and other finely crushed bones from poultry, as these may cause digestive problems, scratch the cat's esophagus and block the intestinal tract.

To grind your cat's teeth, you can choose teething snacks for cats, which can both grind your cat's teeth and satisfy your cat's appetite, how good!

13銆丷aw eggs

Raw eggs contain bacteria such as salmonella or E. coli, which can cause bacterial infections in cats, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other problems, the pooper scooper better cook the eggs.

14銆丩ots of chicken liver

Cats eating liver for a long time are prone to calcium deficiency, in addition, chicken liver is rich in vitamin A. Excessive intake will lead to abnormal bone development and lead to vitamin A toxicity in cats.

15銆丩eftover food

Cats are carnivores and have a high demand for protein. The proportion of nutrients required by cats is 35% protein, 20% fat and the remaining 45% is carbohydrate.

Humans, on the other hand, have only 14% fat, 18% protein, and a full 68% carbohydrates. Cats will be malnourished if they eat human leftovers for a long time. Cats are better off eating cat food, which has a reasonable ratio of nutrients to meet the nutritional needs of cats and also ensure their health!
  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:317 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-01 17:00:50
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