Meet the Devon Rex

Best Fur Friend

Best Fur Friend

Feline Comedian

Feline Comedian

Low-Maintenance Looks

Low-Maintenance Looks

Looking for an outgoing and friendly cat who is guaranteed to make you laugh? I’m the breed for you! We Devon Rex are born entertainers because we’re so playful and inquisitive. I’m a great playmate for the whole family, kids and cat-friendly pets included. I do best in a home with lots of people and other animals because I hate to be alone. I just want to play and give my humans love all day long, and my naturally mischievous nature can come out in destructive ways if I’m bored or lonely. I’m super easy to groom and my short coat doesn’t shed a lot so I’m prrrfect for humans with allergies. Because I don’t have a lot of fur, it’s best that my humans keep me indoors (I sunburn easily). I also tend to look for the warmest spot in the house, which is often on top of my human! When I’m not snuggling with you, I’ll be following you around and watching your every move. Between my loving nature and my funny, fun-loving personality, it’s no wonder I’m one of the CFA’s most popular cat breeds!






Devon, England

Life Span

10-15 Years

Breed Popularity

#7 of 45

Length Range

15-18 Inches

Weight Range

5-10 Pounds

Coat Details




Curly and Soft


White, Black, Blue, Red, Cream, Chocolate, Lavender, Cinnamon, Fawn


Bicolor, Shaded, Smoke, Tabby, Tortoiseshell, Calico, Colorpoint



Cost to Buy


My Many Looks

My Many Looks

My Breed Characteristics

My Breed Characteristics

Energy Level:
Health Issues:
Affection Level:
Grooming Effort:
Furbulous Fact

Furbulous Fact

Because of our unique appearance, we Devon Rex have a lot of nicknames. Our large eyes, big ears, and short muzzle give us an alien look so some humans call us Alien Cats. Because of our short curly hair, we also get called Poodle Cat – a fitting name since we have a dog-like personality! Our most common nickname is Pixie Cat, which has a lot to do with our personality traits and heritage. Pixies are charming and mischievous fairies with large elfin ears, and they come fromBritish folklore, specifically Devon, which is where my breed was born!
As I Grow Up

As I Grow Up

History of My Breed

History of My Breed

We Devon Rex are a very new breed, and the first Devon Rex in the world was a happy accident! In 1960, there was a tom cat with a curly coat who was living in an abandoned tin mine in Buckfastleigh, a town in Devonshire, UK. This tom cat mated with a tortoiseshell & white Domestic Shorthair owned by a human named Beryl Cox who lived nearby. One of the cats in the litter, who Miss Cox named Kirlee, had the same short curly coat as his father. In nearby Cornwall, there was another new breed called the Cornish Rex, and Miss Cox wondered if Kirlee had the same genetic mutation that caused the Cornish Rex cats to have their wavy coat. When she attempted to breed Kirlee with a Cornish Rex, she discovered that there were two separate mutations. Beryl Cox and other breeders in the area were determined to keep the Devon Rex breed going, so they ended up breeding Kirlee with Domestic Shorthairs, and then with any curly-coated kittens. In this way, Kirlee is the father of our breed and all today’s Devon Rex can be traced back to him! Once the breeding program was well established, we Devon Rex became very popular due to our unique look and charming personality. The first Devon Rex came to the United States in 1968 and soon after American breeders took an interest in the Devon. In 1979, the Cat Fanciers’ Association recognized us as our own separate breed (we had previously been lumped in with Cornish Rex cats and just called Rex Cats) and in 1983 they accepted us for championship status.
Care Tips

Care Tips

from Dr. Jessica Greenberg, Associate Veterinarian

Pay attention to your Devon Rex’s skin.

Devon Rex are prone to urticaria pigmentosa, a skin condition that causes crusty sores on the body which can be treated with steroids and omega 3 fatty acids. Check your cat’s skin and hair regularly, and if you notice any abnormal skin lesions, a trip to the vet is recommended.


Look out for changes in your cat’s gait.

Devon Rex cats can be prone to an inherited form of myopathy that can develop in cats as early as 4 weeks old. Common symptoms include a short stride, tremors, or muscle weakness. Consult your veterinarian if you notice anything unusual about your cat’s movements.


These intelligent cats need plenty of mental stimulation.

Devon Rex cats are athletic, intelligent, and eager to learn new tricks. Make sure you’ve got the time to give these social cats the mental stimulation they need to stay healthy and happy.

Training Tips

Training Tips

from Dr. Jessica Greenberg, Associate Veterinarian

  • Personality




  • Origin

    Devon, England

  • Life Span

    10-15 Years

  • Breed Popularity

    #7 of 45

  • Length Range

    15-18 Inches

  • Weight Range

    5-10 Pounds

  • 动物皮毛




    Curly and Soft


    White, Black, Blue, Red, Cream, Chocolate, Lavender, Cinnamon, Fawn


    Bicolor, Shaded, Smoke, Tabby, Tortoiseshell, Calico, Colorpoint

  • Hypoallergenic


  • Cost to Buy
